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March Month Of Intuition

We have dedicated this month to working on our INTUITION. Join us on the journey!  LEARN ABOUT ARTHUR EW & THE RIDER WAITE TAROT…

Our March Month Of Intuition

We have dedicated this month to working on our INTUITION – learning to hear and to strengthen our inner voice, heart song, gut feel – the part of us that is connected to Source, to our spirit guides and to our guardians. Join us on the journey!  

It is through science that we prove, but through intuition that we discover. ” –
Henri Poincare

Tarot & Rider Waite

As you might know, the Rider-Waite (RW) tarot is the tarot deck that became the standard for all tarot decks – and has remained so for over 100 years! Almost every tarot deck is based on the RW system. If you are new to tarot it’s generally recommended that you start with an RW deck to learn from.

We have the original Rider-Waite tarot deck in stock again, as well as the Radiant Rider-Waite (which is the original RW with the deck colours reworked).

Arthur Edward Waite

During Feb I was studying the symbolism of the Pentacle and Pentagram for an article I’ll be sharing soon(-ish) with you guys. 

While doing my research, Arthur RW popped up and I thought you might find it as interesting as I did to learn more about the man with such a powerful legacy! And isn’t it fitting for our Month of Intuition? Imagine how in tune he and Pamela Colman Smith (the artist) must have been with their inner voices to devise a system that has truly stood the test of time.

He was closely involved with the Isis-Urania Lodge of the Golden Dawn when he first met Pamela. She had been introduced there by none other than William Butler Yeats, the famous poet – who was also, it turns out, a student of the mysteries and occult practitioner.

“A rebel against the world of matter, Yeats learned that all material things correspond to concepts in the world of spirit, and that through the use of material object as magical symbols the specialist may summon disembodied powers”

– Sharma, K.N. “William Butler Yeats as a Symbolist.” BachelorandMaster

Waite’s preferred term for the occult was ‘The Secret Tradition’ and, whilst he maintained a love of ritual (from his background in Catholic liturgy), he favoured the mystical over the magical side of spiritual and alchemical ritual.

He preferred the idea of moving towards a profound connection with the Divine, over “trying to impress others through the strength of magical powers” (referring to performance magicians, the rise in seances etc. of the time).

I think this is particularly fitting for our Month of Intuition – since it is by learning to tune in to our ‘Higher Self’ – the part of ourselves that is connected to the Divine/Source/Creatrix that gives us the ability of ‘inner knowing’.

Finally, how I stumbled across him during my research on pentacles is because he devoted a lot of his life to translating old (even then!) Latin texts on magic, including the work of Eliphas Levi.

Levi’s first published treatise on ritual magic was the famous “Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie” (Transcendental Magic) in 1854 – a major work and the basis of much magical theory today. We occassionally get Levi books in stock.

I have “The History Of Magic” by Levi on my bookshelf – and indeed, upon checking, it was translated by Waite!

I hope you enjoyed this little magical history peek!  

On The Bookshelf:

Strengthening Your Intuition

This month we are focusing on learning how to hear our intuition more clearly. We ALL have it – and with a little effort, you can start to develop your psychic abilities by tuning into it. Here are some books we currently have in stock on building your intuition:

New In The Shop


As always, we have loaded tons of new exciting crystals to the shop during the month of Feb (remember you can subscribe to our weekly newsletter to get a weekly wrap).

Crystal Feature Picasso Jasper

Read this month’s featured crystal – PICASSO JASPER

New stock includes:

New Incense

We’ve expanded our incense range (again)! We now have just under 100 different incenses. I won’t lie, the office smells heavenly. I am loving the vibes. Quick highlights:

Tribal Soul is a range by the excellent Tulasi premium masala incense manufacturers, inspired by the tradition of smudging. It includes such cool blends, and they are so beautifully presented, that I now need a box of each one. Sweetgrass & Cedar! Palo Santo & Pignon Pine! White Sage & Lavender! LOVE. If you enjoy Nag Champa, Tulasi have made some very cool blends (try Nag Champa with Sandalwood, divine).

And for our Magickal Folk (ye witches, wizards, fae and fair), we also have the new ‘Wicca Ritual‘, which is a premium version of the hexagon incense and perfect for the altar. So March will ALSO be the month of amazing aromas ha!

Info Hub:

Your Intuition Is Your Guide

March Month of Intuition! Join us on a journey to learn about and strengthen our inner voice. We’re kicking off with our first blog post today: 

Do you know what intuition is, and how it is your guide? Can you hear your inner voice clearly? And can you tell the difference between the voice of your heart, and the voice of your shadow self?… READ ON

Intuition Is Your Guide

Wild Tech Pixies In The Code Again 🙁

Before I sign off – please can I ask you to message us if you have any technical difficulties on the website. We were SO happy with our new overhaul and then a pack of wild tech pixies crept in through the wires and started chomping on the code. I think it’s all sorted out, but let me know if anything goes awry or looks strange while you’re on. x

And that’s it! We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our mammoth March newsletter! Happy FriYAY and have a fabulous weekend from all of us at the MC!

Love Shaz, Russell & the MC team