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Crystal Features
- Crystal Feature: FluoriteWelcome to the wonderful world of colourful Fluorite! Read on to see some serious eye candy and learn more about collecting and working with this popular crystal.
- Crystal Feature: JasperThis month’s crystal feature is a well known stone that’s often mislabelled! read on to find out more about jasper, and take our quiz to see how many you get right!
- Crystal Of The Month: MicaThis month’s featured crystal is Mica. Mica is everywhere. If you pick up any rock and see something like glitter sparkles when you turn it in the light, that’s Mica. And many cosmetics sparkle (for example as seen in eye shadows, bronzers etc) comes from powdered Mica. Read on to find out more about this fascinating mineral.
- Crystal of the Month: ApophylliteThis month’s crystal feature is beautiful Apophyllite. Read on to learn about the geological properties of this mineral, as well as the crystal healing properties.
- Crystal Of The Month: EttringiteThis month’s featured crystal is a rare bright yellow mineral called Ettringite. Read on to learn more about it’s geological and metaphysical properties.
- Crystal Of The Month: Blacknite QuartzThis month’s featured crystal is Blacknite Quartz – a stunning, unusual coated Quartz discovered in a single pocket in Madagascar – making it extremely rare!
Working With Crystals
- How To Make A Gemstone ElixirCrystal infused water is also called a gemstone elixir. Making a gemstone elixir is an easy way to integrate crystals into your daily life.
- 4 Crystals For The New MoonNew moon magick and which 4 crystals crystals are best to work with during the new moon energy!
- How To Make A Crystal Grid For Learning & MemoryThis step by step guide shows you how to make a crystal grid for boosting your learning & memory power! Great for studying or learning new…
- Chakra Healing With A Crystal WandIn this article, we will teach you how to do a full Chakra balancing and healing session with your crystal wand. Find out how to Balance the Chakras with a Crystal Wand easily!
- Discover The 3 Energy Types of Crystal WandsLearning these 3 Energy Types of Crystal Wands will help you know exactly which wand is best for any situation or use!
- Crystal Wands: The What, The How, The Why?what is a crystal wand, what does it do, and how do you use it? We have the answers! Read up on the basics of Crystal Wands here.
Learn More About Crystals
- Andara Crystals Scam – The Emporer’s New ClothesIn the mid 1990’s, “Authentic Monatomic Andara Crystals” hit the market with a bang. Read on to find out about one of the most notorious scams to succeed in the crystal healing industry to date.
- How To Identify A Crystal: HardnessIdentifying a crystal by hardness. There are several ways of how to identify a crystal or mineral. One of these is by checking the material’s hardness. To do this, we use the ‘Mohs Hardness Scale’. The who’s what now? Read on and be enlightened!
- Is Heated Citrine Fake?do you think heated citrine is fake? What is natural Citrine? Do you know what heated Citrine is? How do they make heated Citrine? You will find out all this and more right here in our article!
- Some Common Crystal FAKES ExplainedIt’s all in a name – some common crystal fakes explained… Did you know that this crystal is FAKE? Wait – or is it? Here are four questions to ask to find out. Read on for some common crystal fakes – explained!
- Fake Crystals VS Enhanced CrystalsIs there a difference between a FAKE crystal and an ENHANCED crystal? What common processes do crystals go through before being sold?
- Is This Crystal REAL or FAKE?How do you know if a crystal is REAL or FAKE? Here are 3 golden rules to follow to help you assess before you buy!
Energy Work
Ceremonies & Rituals
- Paganism North VS SouthThere are three important differences between the Northern and Southern hemispheres that affect how we, as pagans, practise. find out what they are, here!
- Full Moon CeremonyHow to work with the moon’s energy and design your own unique full moon ceremony. Use our easy to follow step-by-step guide to power up your life with La Luna!
- How To Work With Mercury RetrogradeMercury Retrograde is once again upon us! but fear not, here’s a handy little guide to turning this planetary energy in your favour…
- Wiccan, Pagan, Witch – What Are You?So you’re into crystals, smudging, full moon rituals and mama earth – your list of “You’re A Witch If…” feels like it’s getting pretty long! But *are* you a witch? What is a witch anyway? And is a witch a wiccan? And what’s a pagan? Find out here!
- Full Moon 3 Step Release CeremonyThis 3 step Full Moon Ceremony will help you prepare before the Full Moon, explain what to do on the Full Moon, and even has an after the Full Moon section. We got you covered!
- Three Times Three“By the power of three times three” – have you seen or heard this phrase and wondered where it came from or what it means? Read on to find out!
The Energetic Body
- The Chakras For BeginnersIf you’re a beginner just learning about the energetic body, let us explain the chakras. What are the 7 main chakras and what do they mean? Plus how to use tools like chakra stones and meditation.
- Aura Colours And MeaningsWith practice, you can learn to see colours in the human aura. Find out what different colours in the aura mean!
- How To See AurasIn this article you can learn what an aura is, what it’s function is, and how to start seeing auras easily and quickly!
- The Healing Benefits of Singing BowlsThe healing benefits of singing bowls, how they work, current scientific studies and the history of sound healing. If you’re looking to buy a singing bowl in South Africa, we can help!
- How To Play A Singing BowlFind out how to play a singing bowl with some great tips! Plus, what a singing bowl is, what it does and when you can use it.
- Energy Blockages And How To Heal ThemAn introduction to what energy blockages are and what causes them. Plus how energy healing can help you heal them and change your life!
- Chakra Healing MeditationThis chakra healing meditation is an excellent way to learn to scan your energetic body and to connect to each of your chakras, removing any blockages and re-balancing them.
- 12 Ways To Boost Your IntuitionExplore 12 ways to strengthen your intuitive ability. In our last article, INTUITION IS YOUR GUIDE, we learned what intuition is. Now, let’s delve deeper!
- Intuition Is Your GuideDo you know what intuition is, and how it is your guide? Can you hear your inner voice clearly? And can you tell the difference between the voice of your heart, and the voice of your shadow self? Read on to learn more about intuition!
- Angels and Spirit GuidesAn introduction to angels and spirit guides. Find out about these Divine companions, and how to connect with your angel guardians and spirit guides.
- The Raven And IIn The Raven and I, Shaz discusses whether we have more than one Animal Spirit Guide, and why Animal Spirit Guardians connect with us.
- Introduction To Spirit Animals & Animal TotemsDo you know what your spirit animal or animal totem is? Do you know how to contact them, and what they do? Read on to find out!
Wheel Of The Year
- BeltaneBeltane, celebrated at the start of Summer, is the Great Festival of Life. A time when Mama Gaia is at the height of her fertility. Read on to find out more about this ancient pagan fire festival!
- Paganism North VS SouthThere are three important differences between the Northern and Southern hemispheres that affect how we, as pagans, practise. find out what they are, here!
- Ostara – The Spring EquinoxIn the Southern Hemisphere, we move into colourful Ostara, the spring equinox, towards the end of September. Find out what Ostara means and how to make the most of this energy! Table of Contents When… Read more: Ostara – The Spring Equinox