What is sacred geometry? Where does it come from, and what is it for? Find out here, in lesson 1 of our Crystal Grids Course!
Table Of Contents

1. What Is Sacred Geometry?

“Sacred Geometry is the root language, or language of creation, a blueprint of perfection which simply means the intended plan or design”
Why do we call the geometry used in crystal grids “sacred”?
Because life (and creation itself) is sacred. And the geometric shapes of sacred geometry are a type of blueprint or code for life, like drawings by an architect for building plans.
Sacred geometry is a mathematical formula that creation follows and embodies.
2. Where Is Sacred Geometry Found?
Until you start to study it more closely, sacred geometry can seem hidden or difficult to notice. We can also call it fundamental geometry because it represents the building blocks of our universe.
Where can we see evidence of this?

The answer is almost everywhere in nature! There are countless examples of Sacred and Fundamental Geometry in nature. And all point to a definite order behind the manifestation of the physical from non physical. For example, the tiny geometric expressions of a snowflake or the double Helix shape of human DNA, and even the sun’s helical orbit around the centre of our galaxy.

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
3. Symbols and Geometry In History
There is strong evidence that humankind has felt the significance of symbols and geometry since the dawn of time. It’s almost as if something deep within us inherently knows that symbols and sacred geometry contain a link to deeper truths about reality. And we have sought ways to harness this connection primarily through a very natural human expression – our art.
You could say art and creativity has served as a link to divinity for us. Crystal grids themselves are a type of artistic expression in terms of the colours, shapes and forms they bring together.
A good example of this connection is the pre-Celtic and Celtic Triskelion shape or Triple Spiral found on a number of Neolithic sites, most notably inside the Newgrange passage tomb in Ireland.

The Flower of Life is another important symbol found engraved on pillars at the Temple of Osiris in Egypt. The pillars themselves date back more than 5000 years. While the exact date of when this powerful geometric pattern was engraved on them isn’t certain, there is strong evidence that points to it having been placed there quite early on in the history of the temple. The ancient people who used these geometric shapes at their sacred sites must have done so with deep intention.
The Platonic Solids provide further examples of Sacred Geometry or Fundamental Geometry.
Greek philosopher Plato circa 450BC studied and wrote about the Platonic Solids and believed that they actually represent the fundamental building blocks of life.
The solids include the Cube, Tetrahedron, Octahedron, Icosahedron and the Dodecahedron.
Plato pointed out a connection between the Platonic solids and the creation of life itself by identifying each Platonic solid with one of the 5 elements of creation.
It was a common belief for ancient Greeks that everything in existence is made up of 5 elements: Earth, Fire, Air, Water and Universal Energy (Space/Spirit/Life Force).
The yogis of India would refer to Universal Energy as Prana, and in Daoism from China it is called the Dao.

4. In Summary
Sacred geometry is the expression of creation in the universe, the building blocks to life. These sacred patterns exist naturally all around us. Humans have been drawing sacred geometry patterns since the beginning of history. The Platonic solids, themselves sacred geometry, are tied to the elements and Universal Energy, or Divine Source. Now imagine taking these incredible patterns and combining them with the power of crystals!
In Lesson 2 of our Crystal Grids course we will explain exactly what a crystal grid is.