In Lesson 2 of our free Crystal Grids course, we break down what a crystal grid is and how it works.

1. What Is A Crystal Grid?

A crystal grid is a tool for manifestation and healing work. It consists of crystals, a sacred geometry pattern, and an intention (i.e. the goal or outcome wanted). The crystals are arranged in the pattern and charged with the intention.

By combining the elements of sacred geometry, crystals and our focused intention, we are able to create a powerful ally for mind and energy work.

2. Why Combine Sacred Geometry & Crystals?

As we learned in Lesson 1, SACRED GEOMETRY is found throughout the universe and in nature all around it. It is the very building blocks to life. In this sense, sacred geometry is a pure, universal language. 

Crystal Basics Crystal Course For Beginners

Crystals themselves embody sacred geometry in their INTERNAL LATTICE STRUCTURES, which gives them the ability to affect energy in various ways.

Because of this, crystals have been used for healing and spiritual energy work since ancient times.

They are incredible power houses of energetic potential.

Our CRYSTAL BASICS free introductory crystals course goes into this in detail. 

So, when we work with a crystal grid, we are using the pure, universal language of sacred geometry in combination with the powerful energy of crystals. As a result, energy flows through and around the grid with immense power and focus.

3. What Does A Crystal Grid Do?

We now know that by combining the two powerful elements of sacred geometry and crystals, we can create an amazing energetic tool.

The purpose of this tool is to communicate our will to the Universe / Divine Source / Creatrix energy, and thus manifest it. We apply our focused intention, our goal or desired outcome, to the grid. In effect, we are “boosting our signal” and communicating in pure universal energy. The crystals take energy and flow it through the sacred geometric pattern, amplifying and focusing your intention, and putting that energy out. 

We are always in communication with life and the world around us. Our mind is constantly thinking, and our cells react to those thoughts through our emotions. Our energetic body is always in communication with the environment around it. When we set an intention, we are focusing our thoughts and emotions, our energetic body, on a specific goal or desire we want to manifest in our life.

Crystal grids harness and boost that energy to align us with our highest goals and desires. One can say that crystal grids open a type of pathway for clear communication with the Universe. For example, an abundance and success intention grid would bring that energy into our life – it would boost the energy to align us with this vibration.

4. In Summary

Crystal grids combine sacred geometry, crystals and our focused intention to help us manifest our goals by communicating with the universe and bringing in that energy.


How To Design A Crystal Grid

In the next lesson of our Crystal Grids course we are going to show you how to design your own crystal grids using 5 important elements.