Do you know what to do once you’ve set up your crystal grid? Find out here how to maintain your crystal grid, and also how to close it once it’s finished.

Table Of Contents

How To Maintain & Close A Crystal Grid

1. Introduction

In our final lesson of the CRYSTAL GRIDS COURSE, we’re going to look at an often overlooked but hugely important aspect of crystal grids. What to do once you have SET YOUR GRID UP, and what to do when you want to pack it away. We call this maintaining a crystal grid, and closing a crystal grid.

2. How To Maintain A Crystal Grid


When it comes to maintaining your crystal grid, you might need to cleanse it occasionally. This will help the grid maintain optimal energy flow. Let your intuition guide you as to when you feel the grid would benefit from an energy cleanse and recharge.

Use a crystal cleansing method that will not disturb the layout. A CLEANSING SPRITZER, SMUDGE STICK or SINGING BOWL are all good options. Learn more about different methods for cleansing your crystals in the CRYSTAL BASICS COURSE lesson, HOW TO CLEANSE YOUR CRYSTALS.


Part of maintaining your crystal grid involves spending a little bit of time with it every day. This allows you to tune into the energy being generated by the grid, and strengthens your intention. The more you’re able to interact with the grid, chances are the faster you’ll see the results manifesting. Here are two ways you can do this:


Affirmations are positive statements that help focus one’s mind on particular goals and desires. On their own, they are an excellent tool for achieving an intention. Using affirmations with a crystal grid can be a truly powerful combination. 

To do this, write a few affirmations down that work with the intention for the grid.

For example, if the intention is:

To move into alignment with my higher self and to increase my capacity for peace and joy

then affirmations for this intention could include:

“I am in alignment with my higher self”

“I am peaceful”

“I am joyful”. 

Write your affirmations with the same guidelines as writing your intention.

Set aside some time each day to write out or say these affirmations out loud while focusing on your crystal grid.  

Journal affirmations intuition intentions


Spend some time in a quiet, relaxed state focusing on your grid. You can visualize the energy flowing through it and out into the room. Or you can visualize your intention having been achieved, what that looks like, and the emotions it generates. You can also just clear your mind and do a breathwork exercise.


Another way to maintain your crystal grid and interact with it, is to recharge it.

Simply visualize the grid filling with more bright white light, and beams of light shooting outwards. The more you visualize this, the more you can stimulate the energetic flow.

Remember that this is a sacred tool to communicate your will to the Universe and shape energy to manifest your goal.

See this happening!

3. How To Close A Crystal Grid

The last step you need to know is how to close your grid. 


This is completely up to you and your intuition. In general, you want to keep the grid up until you feel it has done the work you intended it to do. If you have been properly maintaining your crystal grid, you will be very attuned to it. This will help you know when it’s time to close the grid. 


When you close your crystal grid, you should do this mindfully and with respect. Remember that this is a sacred tool in communion with Spirit, or the Universe. It’s a good idea to hold a small closing ceremony before packing the grid away.

You can do this simply by sitting quietly with the grid for a few moments and focusing on your breath.

Thank the crystals and the grid for the work it has performed.

Acknowledge and give gratitude to your Higher Self / guides / ancestors / guardians that assisted and guided you with this energy working.

Likewise, give thanks to the Universe / Spirit / Creatrix.

See the crystal grid energy closing off in your mind, as though it were ‘powering down’.

Give thanks to crystal allies


You can now start to break the grid up, working backwards from the way you set it up. Starting at the outermost edge, remove each crystal as you work back towards the centre keystone. Keep removing stones as you reverse the pattern until finally removing the keystone itself. 

Restate your intention out loud for the last time, adding that it is now manifest. You can say “It is done” or “So it is”. 


The final step in closing your crystal grid is to cleanse all the elements you have used and the space the grid was in. You can do this in the same way that you did when first setting your grid up.

4. In Summary

Crystal Grids Course by Mystic Crystals

Well done! You have completed our CRYSTAL GRIDS COURSE! You now know everything you need to, in order to design, set up, maintain and close any crystal grid you can think of.

Remember to maintain your grid once you have set it up. You can do this by working with the grid daily, using affirmations or meditation.

You might want to cleanse the grid occasionally, and recharge it.

Finally, to close off the grid, it’s important to do this ceremoniously and with respect and gratitude. Reverse your actions to break the grid down and make sure to give thanks.

Once you have closed the grid, it’s a good idea to give everything a good cleanse before packing it away.

If you’ve enjoyed this, please consider supporting us and purchasing our book, CRYSTAL GRIDS DEMYSTIFIED.