Paganism North VS South
There are three important differences between the Northern and Southern hemispheres that affect how we, as pagans, practise. find out what they are, here!
There are three important differences between the Northern and Southern hemispheres that affect how we, as pagans, practise. find out what they are, here!
How to work with the moon's energy and design your own unique full moon ceremony. Use our easy to follow step-by-step guide to power up your life with La Luna!
Mercury Retrograde is once again upon us! but fear not, here's a handy little guide to turning this planetary energy in your favour...
So you're into crystals, smudging, full moon rituals and mama earth - your list of "You're A Witch If..." feels like it's getting pretty long! But *are* you a witch? What is a witch anyway? And is a witch a wiccan? And what's a pagan? Find out here!
This 3 step Full Moon Ceremony will help you prepare before the Full Moon, explain what to do on the Full Moon, and even has an after the Full Moon section. We got you covered!
“By the power of three times three” - have you seen or heard this phrase and wondered where it came from or what it means? Read on to find out!
Learn what the properties are for numbers and colours, their magickal correspondences.
Here is a handy list of tools for new witches (with budget friendly options!). You'll be casting circles around yourself in no time ;)
Our easy to follow guide will take you through how to clear away negative energy in just 8 steps! Includes crystal suggestions for gridding your home for protection.
We dive into using imphepho to smudge with, and address the controvery surrounding this particular herb.