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Crystal Feature: Picasso Jasper

This month’s featured crystal is a variety of Jasper known as Picasso Jasper, or Polychrome Jasper. This beautiful stone has rich, earthy colours and patterns. Read on to learn about what it is, and what it does!


Picasso Jasper is a variety of Jasper. A Jasper is a Chalcedony that is opaque (meaning not translucent/see-through). 

Polychrome Jasper is a beautiful opaque Chalcedony with a complex colour mix of greys, blues, oranges, pinks and browns. It’s commonly called Picasso Jasper, a name given for it’s often stunning ‘artworks’ of patterns across the material.


Picture Jasper Tumbled Stone COVER
Kalahari Picture Jasper
Mookaite Tumbled Stone L - XL 1
Atlantis Ocean Jasper Tumbled Stone L-XL 1
Ocean Jasper

Polychrome Jasper is believe to have been originally found in 2006 close to the Ocean Jasper deposits of Madagascar. Although there is some resemblance, its visually more similar to Mookaite from Australia. Although Mookaite isn’t a true Jasper.


Picasso Jasper is graded according to the complexity of patterns and colours. We only select from the top 20% of Polychrome material available to bring into the shop. Choose pieces that stand out to you!

Collecting different Jasper varieties makes a lovely colourful collection.


KEYWORDS: Optimism, Happiness, Nurturing, Grounding, Calm, Self-Discipline, Creativity, Meditation


Jasper is the ‘Supreme Nurturer’. It supports during times of stress, bringing in tranquillity and a sense of wholeness. Balancing yin and yang energy, Jasper aligns the physical, emotional and mental bodies. It provides protection and grounds energy while clearing electromagnetic smog and environmental pollution. 

It can bring the courage needed to deal with problems assertively and boost your determination while simultaneously encouraging you to be honest with yourself. Additionally, Jasper is a great stone for dreamwork and trances as it assists with dream recall. It’s also said to prolonge sexual pleasure!

Picasso jasper

Polychrome or Picasso Jasper has the general properties of Jasper as well as:

  • Gently grounding and calming.
  • Renews old friendships and mends old bridges that were thought lost.
  • Supports during relationship transitions.
  • Excellent meditation stone.
  • Assists in clarity of thought and self evaluation/understanding.
  • Perfect for assisting the creative ground their ideas in reality, to begin the creative process, or for moving through creative blocks.
  • Known as the stone of endurance, it is said to build strength and stamina.

As part of our March Month of Intuition, this stone makes an excellent meditation aid to help you filter out your mind’s “background noise” and slowly tap into the true inner voice inside you.

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Picasso Jasper For Sale In The Shop…