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How To Make A Gemstone Elixir

Crystal infused water is called a gemstone elixir. Making a gemstone elixir is an easy way to integrate crystals into your daily life.

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Working With Crystals Make Crystal Infused Water


If you’ve read HOW TO WORK WITH CRYSTALS, you know that we suggest making crystal infused water as a way to interact with and benefit from the energy of your crystals. They are super easy to make and don’t require any special equipment. There are just a few guidelines to be aware of. To start making elixirs to empower your body and your life, all you need is:

  • A glass jar
  • Crystal of your choice



Research the crystal you plan on using your elixir beforehand and making sure it is an insoluble stone. Some crystals can be damaged by water, some even dissolve in water, and some are toxic – so do your homework!

Shungite is a very popular stone for filtering toxins from water and from your body.

Shungite water gemstone elixir

Quartz crystals are commonly used in elixirs and many people describe feeling an almost immediate charge after drinking a Quartz elixir. Quartz is an excellent starting point, and completely safe in water. This goes for clear Quartz crystal, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz and Citrine. Here’s a quick reference list of some crystals that are safe and some that aren’t safe to use for elixirs:


  • Clear Quartz
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Citrine
  • Rose Quartz
  • Agate
  • Carnelian
  • Moonstone
  • Shungite
  • Aventurine
  • Jasper


  • Malachite
  • Chrysocolla
  • Azurite
  • Selenite
  • Pyrite
  • Celestite
  • Fluorite
  • Magnesite
  • Rhodochrosite
  • Turquoise

2. Cleansing

Cleanse your chosen stone (both energetically and physically) before adding it to a clean jar of water.

Use distilled, spring or rain water that is clean and pure, free from chemicals.


To make a crystal elixir, place the gemstone of choice in a glass jar of water and leave it outside for at least twenty four hours to soak up the sun and moon’s healing life force. If you do not have twenty four hours to soak the crystal it is preferable to leave the elixir out in the sun for as long as you can. Unless the moon is full, the sun tends to charge water faster. 


Pour the water into your water bottle, being careful to remove the stones, and sip on it throughout the day. Some people transfer the stones into the water bottle rather than removing them. You can do this, but it is a choking hazard and it can also chip a tooth if you take too quick a swig! It could also crack the glass if you’re moving around with it in your bag, for example (speaking from experience on this one).

There are bottles for sale with crystal containers inside them to solve this problem, although they tend to be on the high end of the cost scale. You can make just as effective crystal water by infusing for 24 hours and then removing the stones to drink it.

Safely decanted crystal water made from pure water and a safe, non-water-soluble crystal, is safe for all ages and all health types. It has no contraindications. You can keep it in the fridge and enjoy it over several days, if you make a lot. In general, enjoy it and use it as you would normal water.

What Does It Do?

The idea is that when we drink the elixir it will cause physical shifts in the body as it heals our own molecular structure and aligns it more closely with the energy of the crystal. 

In other words, the crystal energy affects the energy of the water, bringing it into a certain harmonious vibrational level. When we consume the water, it spreads through our system, helping to shift our cells into that same harmonious frequency

Crystals around a bottle


When making a gemstone elixir always be sure to use purified or distilled water.

It is also important to only use a glass jar or bottle rather than a plastic one because chemicals from plastic can leach out into your elixir. Plastic is also a “dead” vibration, and when you’re intentionally making an energetic product, you don’t want that in the energy mix! Glass is usually the safest bet.

You can mix it up and use more than one type of crystal in your water. But ideally you want to stick to one – especially if you’re just starting out, to feel what effect each stone has.


This can be a really healing and restorative ritual to add to your life. Feel free to experiment and I wish you luck on your own healing crystal journey.

Author M Myst signature

Written by M. Myste for The MC