Our easy to follow guide will take you through how to clear away negative energy in just 8 steps! Includes crystal suggestions for gridding your home for protection.
Table of Contents

Learn how to cleanse & clear negative energy! These 8 steps can easily be adjusted to cleansing your sacred space, consecrating an area, or sealing a property boundary. They can also be highly personalised to suit your belief system and needs. In step six, I give suggestions of crystals to grid a home to keep it protected.
Sue’s Situation
Sue reached out the other day to ask how to clear negative energy from a house. She’d bought our Cleansing Kit and wanted clarity on how to use it. As an empath, she was especially concerned.
“I ordered your Clearing & Cleansing kit… the friend that I am staying with has very very negative energy in their house.
I wanted to cleanse the house while I am there. I am an Empath and don’t want to absorb any of it while I am staying with them…
My question to you is, how should I go about cleansing the house with your Kit and do you have any other advise as I know there is an entity present in the house and I don’t want to aggravate it.”
The Cleansing Kit comes with a Smoky Quartz gallet, a clear Quartz crystal wand, a smudge stick and a palo santo stick.
To perform this cleansing, you will need at minimum: a protective crystal to wear or carry on you, and a smudge stick or similar.. You can include the use of a crystal wand, if you like. For the grid, have a protective crystal and an amplifying and light energy crystal like clear Quartz or Selenite ready.

Smoke Free Cleansing
In a situation where smoke is unwanted (a small apartment with a smoke alarm, for example), then you could substitute the smudge stick for a cleansing spritzer, a cleansing candle, or a bowl of water with salt in it.
Product on saleDIVINE CLEANSE | Clearing 40h CandleOriginal price was: R590,00.R430,00Current price is: R430,00.
Crystal Cleansing SaltsR60,00
Cleanse SpritzerR110,00 – R185,00
Cleaning Powers Incense SticksR12,00
1. Get Your Shield Up
Have black Tourmaline or a similar protective stone on your person while you clear negative energy, to protect you. Carry a piece in your pocket, or wear some as a bracelet or necklace.

Create a shield with Tourmaline
Visualise that the Tourmaline is extending out a powerful bubble of bright white light. See it grow to incorporate your whole body. It goes down under the ground, up above your head and completely surrounds you.
Visualise this light bubble becoming a protective, mirror like shield. Any negative entities or energies cannot pierce it. Anything directed towards you is mirrored back to wherever it came from.
Clear negative energy from the Tourmaline daily
You can use this Tourmaline throughout your stay to keep your energetic shield strong and protective.
Just give it a rinse in some running water each evening to clear negative energy that might build up. Visualise any negative energy washing away down the sink.

Read “How To Cleanse Your Crystals” from our CRYSTAL BASICS COURSE for more info on how to remove any energetic build up from your stones.
2. Call For Backup
Call on Archangel Michael with his shield and sword to be with you. Ask him to:
- Protect you and any others in the house
- Assist you in releasing any and all negative entities
- Help you clear negative energy in the house
You can also call on your Spirit Guides, and any deities or entities you work with.

Read our article ‘ANGELS & SPIRIT GUIDES’ on connecting to and working with your guardian angels and spirit guides.
3. Power Up Your Wand
The Cleansing Crystal Kit includes a clear Quartz wand for focusing and directing energy.
You can use any wand you prefer to work with, or just use your hand if you are more comfortable with that.
Pick up your wand and visualise it filling with bright, white light. Hold it in your hand, point facing outwards (ie away from you).

Chrysoprase Rough Piece 6cmR80,00
Product on saleSodalite Double Term Tabby Wand XL 21cmOriginal price was: R1020,00.R745,00Current price is: R745,00.
Product on saleQuartz, Clear Crystal Polished Wand 10cmOriginal price was: R380,00.R269,00Current price is: R269,00.
Product on saleCalcite, Orange Massage Wand 14cmOriginal price was: R450,00.R289,00Current price is: R289,00.
Read ‘CRYSTAL WANDS: THE WHAT, THE HOW, THE WHY‘ for the lowdown on how to work with crystal wands.
4. Smudge, Smudge, Smudge!
Light the smudge stick. Begin by cleansing yourself, and anyone who is part of the space.
Then, starting from the front door, walk along the wall, always turning left. Smudge each room, walking next to the walls (or as close as you can get if furniture blocks your path) so that you are essentially tracing the boundary of the space. Continue until every room and passage has been done, and you are back at the front door.
If you are new to smudging, read our handy guide “HOW TO SMUDGE, WHEN & WHY!” to get you smudging like a pro.
5. Say It Loud
Find or write an invocation stating your will, while you are smudging. This can be a smudging prayer, a protection mantra, or a simple line you repeat that states your intention – to cleanse the space.
State your intention to clear negative energy
As you start, and as you progress, continue to state your intention to clear negative energy.
Repeat your invocation while waving the smudge stick up and down slowly and methodically, covering each room.
As I exit each room, I say “So mote it be”. You could also say “And it is so” or “It is done“.
At every doorway and window, point at the bottom left corner, then draw lines in the air around its shape. Imagine white light forming a shimmering boundary across the doorway/window. I do the same for all mirrors in the house, just altering the wording slightly.

Once you have done the whole house, put the smudge stick out in a small bowl or plate.
I use this invocation, you can say whatever you like:
Room by room: “By the power of Great Spirit, I cleanse and clear all harmful and unwanted energy from this space. And in its place I fill this space with the light, love and healing energy of Goddess and God.”
Doorways: “By the power of Goddess and God, only light, love and healing energy may enter herein. So I say it, so it is done.”
Mirrors: “By the power of Goddess and God, only light, love and healing energy may reflect herefrom. So I say it, so it is done.”
6. Install Boundaries
Dedicate crystals to clear negative energy
Use a protective crystal (e.g Smoky Quartz, Hematite, Obsidian or black Tourmaline) and a crystal that amplifies and brings in light energy, like clear Quartz or Selenite.
Take the protective crystal in hand, and say a little dedication. Ask the stone to cleanse and clear all negative and unwanted energy from the house.
Take the light energy crystal in hand, and say a little dedication. Ask the stone to bring in light, loving and healing energy, and to magnify the strength of the protective crystal.
Is Bigger Better? Find out in our article, ‘WORKING WITH CRYSTALS: 8 QUESTIONS‘
Put the crystals as near to the centre of the house as you can, but more importantly they should be in a spot where they can be seen and acknowledged often.
Imagine again a bubble of light expanding from the Smoky Quartz, growing to encompass the whole house.
Ask Archangel Michael to send Guardians to stand watch at each corner of the house.

Gridding The Home
It might be nice to place other crystals with these two as a central place of good energy radiating out. If you do this, hold them in your hand and say a little dedication before placing them in the spot. Ask the stones to bring calm, balance, light and positivity to this space.
Another option is to add crystals to each of the corners of the room or house, picturing them connecting to the central crystals and each other with beams of bright white light.
- Selenite for white light and angelic connection,
- Rose Quartz for loving energy,
- Kyanite for communication flow,
- Hematite for grounding,
- Amethyst for balance and psychic protection,
- Tourmaline for general all round protection,
- Shungite for warding off the negative effects of wifi/electronics etc.
Amethyst, Dark Crystal Point 5cmR295,00
Shungite Rough Elite Noble Necklace XSR390,00
Phantom Amethyst Brandberg Quartz Cluster 8.5cmR777,00
Rose Quartz Mini Mushroom 3.5cm (2)R65,00
Product on saleRose Quartz Mini Mushroom 3.5cmOriginal price was: R65,00.R45,00Current price is: R45,00.
Amethyst Torus Pi Necklace 3cmR230,00
Mesh Tea Filter With Amethyst ChainR280,00
Kyanite, Blue Natural Crystal 40-60gR80,00
7. Closing Off
Say a thank you to all Angels, Spirit Guides and deities or entities you called in. You can use this invocation, or your own words:
“Guardians, Guides & Great Spirit,
I thank you for your presence here today.
Go if you must,
stay if you will,
May there always be peace between us.“
8. Follow Up

As a follow up, you can walk around the space wih a palo santo stick (or any smudge or incence of your choice), doing a light cleansing and bringing in of light energy refresher.
This helps to reinforce the new, positive energy frequency of the house.
We offer a lovely HOUSEKEEPING loose incense specially designed for regular gentle energy cleansings of the home.