A CHANNELLED message about being a Lightworker, a way setter, and walking gently on the Earth with compassion for all.
Hi beautiful souls,
I woke up a morning this week feeling a huge shift, after a few days of processing and grounding quite difficult energy around me. And while making my coffee, a message suddenly began pouring out of me so clearly that I literally scribbled it down on the first scrap piece of paper I could get my hands on.
Which turned out to be a piece of paper I’d already written on, but the words just flowed.
I want to share them with you here, as I feel this message is for all of you, reading this now. Feel free to share if it resonates.

The Earth is waking up from her deep Winter slumber, and all around us we can see signs of fresh greens and flowers as spring prepares to leap out at us. The days are growing warmer and longer, and the birds are looking colourful here on the farmstead as the boys put on their annual mating plumage to impress the ladies. It sounds like a bird disco out here in the early mornings and evenings with all the dancing displays and frollicking going on! It is just a gorgeous, magical time of year.
And it’s more apparent than ever before that we humans are waking up, too, and taking on the light. Birthing a new way of being, on our mothership of blue and brown, hurtling through starry space. It’s both humbling and awe inspiring to keep the big picture in mind.
When you are feeling overwhelmed and at a loss, as so many of us do at times nowadays, take some deep breaths and picture yourself as one light in a massive, global web of lights encircling the whole of our Earth. And picture too, more pinpoints of light switching on and connecting to this web of light every minute, every second.
Together we can shift from the fear, chaos, anger and separation rhetoric to one of joy, compassion and love. Birthing is incredibly painful and tiring…and transformative…and boy, has this been a long labour! But remember that all of us encarnated today, here and now, have chosen to come be part of this momentous occassion. Lifting a species’ vibration. Choosing a new path for humanity based on love and spiritual enlightenment, aware of our intrinsic connection and interwovenness with Earth and all living beings. One home. One family.
Raising consciousness is intrinsically tied to raising compassion. Experiencing Divine love and true joy. Being an empath – as so many of us are – is not just about having to protect yourself from absorbing other people’s bad vibes. It’s about experiencing and thus deeply understanding their core wounds, their motivations for acting out without care for others. So that we can hold space for them. So that we can love them in their pain. So doing, we can hold the door open for them.
The more spiritually aware we become, the more we open to the feeling of connection to Earth and all living beings, the more our hearts soften and expand. And we begin to see that we are all part of the Divine, we all have the Divine spark of Light within us. And we all deserve love and compassion. And so, in this state of growing awareness and connectedness we begin to feel more and more the pull towards kindness to others, and walking gentler upon the Earth.
We cannot shine a torch in people’s faces and hope to shake them awake. We can only hold space, live in our authentic truth, and share compassion with them. Fear and anger beget more fear and anger. As long as we are repeating the evils (even when we think we are sharing important truth about those evils), we are staying tuned to that world. Expunge this from your circle of light. Move past the rhetoric. Be the example on the other side, stepping into peace and joy and harmony.
Let go of the dramas on the world stage and know that you are far, FAR more powerful as an agent of change, waysetter, truth bringer, simply by allowing yourself to be in the energy of this new world that we as lightworkers are collectively visualising and bringing in.
I wish you love, I wish you times of rest to restore your energy, I wish you strength. 25/08/2022