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Chakra Healing Meditation

This chakra healing meditation is an excellent way to learn to scan your energetic body and to connect to each of your chakras, removing any blockages and re-balancing them.

Powerfully Connect To, Balance & Recharge Your Energetic Body

Chakra meditation helps to strengthen and balance your chakras. This will benefit your emotional, physical and spiritual well being. If you need to recharge your body, mind and soul then using chakra meditation is an excellent way to revitalize you from the inside out.

You might like to read this meditation slowly out loud while you record yourself. Then you play the recording back while you perform the meditation. This will help you follow the right order.

Energetic Body - Chakras For Beginners


You might enjoy reading our article THE CHAKRAS FOR BEGINNERS if you are a beginner, or need a refresher, on working with the chakras.

Relax With Deep Breathing

Lie down, close your eyes, and begin to breathe deeply as you slowly relax each part of your body, starting with your toes, and working your way up to your face and scalp. Feel the tension release from your whole body.

Relax, and let go. Let go and clear all worries and fears, replacing all tension with white light and deep breath. Relax your mind, relax your soul, and visualise yourself surrounded and protected by beautiful, pure white light.

If you are new to meditating, read our guide HOW TO START MEDITATING.

Explore The Energetic Body

Slowly become aware of your body – your emotional body, your energetic body and physical body. Staying in this calm state, and focusing on your breathing, begin to explore your energetic body. Seek to sense each of your chakras in succession, starting with the root chakra, moving upwards in succession.

  • From the red, earthy root, at the base of the spine…
  • To the orange sacral chakra, around your hips, genitals and lower abdomen…
  • Up to the yellow solar plexus chakra in the middle of the chest, below your diaphragm…
  • And then to the green heart chakra in your heart space…
  • Next to your blue throat chakra…
  • To the indigo blue-purple third eye chakra between and above the eyebrows…
  • Finally moving up to the pure white light of the crown chakra.

Let Your Intuition Flow

Intuition Is Your Guide

Read our article “INTUITION IS YOUR GUIDE” for tips on listening to, understanding and trusting your inner voice.

Sense each chakra as a pure realm of being, and see if you can feel differences between them – characteristics, influences and biases. Do this at first without trying to place any qualifications upon your understanding, but simply allow an awareness to develop at a deep level.

Now, visualise your full body with the chakra colours glowing and spinning.

In a state of quietness, open yourself to your chakras and the information you receive. If you like, you can ask your Higher Self, spirit guides, guardian angels and/or animal totems to help you. Allow yourself to become aware of psychic information and guidance that may now come through.

Tapping into the chakras in this way can gently bring you to a heightened state of awareness of your own psychology, life experience and physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state of being. 

Identify Where Chakra Healing Is Needed

  • Can you see, feel or sense any of your chakras undercharged or not glowing as brightly?
  • Spinning at different speeds to your other chakras?
  • Faster (over-stimulated) or slower (under-stimulated)?
  • Do any of your chakras appear muddy, unclear, or fuzzy?
  • Do you see any smudges/marks or any other evidence of blockages? 
Chakra chart with balanced and blocked properties

Working from a deep sense of each chakra, allow information to flow into your mind about what core issues you may have relating to the energetic defects you may have detected.

Do not struggle to gain this information, merely let it come in pictures, feelings, sounds, or whichever way it flows in.

Recharge Each Chakra

Root Chakra

Starting with the root chakra, see the chakra enveloped in bright white healing light, charging and balancing the chakra.
See the white light slowly become a beautiful, earthy red of the root chakra as the root chakra is cleared of blockages and rebalanced.

When you feel the chakra is completely recharged, move on to the sacral chakra.
See the chakra enveloped in bright white healing light, charging and balancing the chakra.
Then progress to a scintillating orange.

Sacral Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra

Progress to the solar plexus.
See the chakra enveloped in bright white healing light, charging and balancing the chakra.
Gradually transition to a sun-filled yellow.

Move upwards towards the heart.
See the chakra enveloped in bright white healing light, charging and balancing the chakra.
Become a meadow of green.

Heart Chakra
Throat Chakra

Upwards to the throat.
See the chakra enveloped in bright white healing light, charging and balancing the chakra.
Transform slowly to a light sky blue.

Flow to the third eye.
See the chakra enveloped in bright white healing light, charging and balancing the chakra.
Progress gently to a deep, deep indigo-blue-purple.

Third Eye Chakra
Crown Chakra

Move ever upwards to the crown chakra.
See the chakra enveloped in bright white healing light, charging and balancing the chakra.
You can choose to visualise a transition to a rich, spiritual purple; a brighter, pure white; or even a golden light.

Finally, see the white light surrounding your whole aura (a space of about 40-50cms away from your body), filling you completely.
Feel yourself charged, rebalanced, energized and healed.

Crystal Basics Course The Human Aura

To Close The Chakra Healing Meditation

Lie gently in this blissfully whole state. Bring your focus back to solely living each breath as it moves in and out of your body, in rhythm with the breath of all life around you.

After a few moments, as you feel ready, begin to slowly bring your awareness back to your physical body, then your surroundings. Wiggle your toes and fingers. Finally open your eyes. Record some notes of your experience.

Chakra Healing With A Crystal Wand

Read our easy to follow, step by step guide to do a chakra healing session with a crystal wand.


Customise This Meditation

You can add to this meditation by including crystals that work with each chakra in order to aid you in healing. As you prepare to begin your meditation, lay each crystal over the corresponding chakra, or on the ground next to you in order. Have a look at our chakra healing kits in stock.