With practice, you can learn to see the human aura. Find out what different colours in the aura mean!
Table Of Contents
- Neutral Colours
- Primary Colours
- Secondary Colours

In HOW TO SEE AURAS we covered what an aura is, and gave you some exercises to practice to develop your ability to see people’s auras. As your skill develops, you may begin to see different colours in auras. Let’s look into what they mean.
The Aura Is Always In Motion
The aura doesn’t appear as a solid, colourful egg shape around a person. In fact, it is always in motion. Flashes, tendrils and spikes emanate outwards. Colours may compete, or you can see splashes or dots or streaks of one colour within another.
Auric colours shift and change from moment to moment, day to day and throughout a person’s life.
They are affected by / the result of:
- Both short and long term emotional states (eg. anticipation, grief, love),
- Physical factors (eg. being hot or cold, sick or well, hungry or full),
- Energetic factors (eg. meditation, prayer, spell casting, energy healing).
- Of course, personality and character traits are more stable, and you may learn to see the difference over time.
How To See Colours In The Aura
Seeing colours in auras requires extra-sensory perception. In other words, we are moving beyond the realm of physical sight and into clairvoyance, viewing the astral realm.
Astral colours are just as real as physical colours, we simply need the sense to see them. A colour blind person may not be able to see green, but the green is very much there. In the same way, most of us humans are ‘astral-blind’.
Once we start practicing to see the aura, we are in effect exercising our extra-sensory perception, like exercising a muscle. Over time, it will become easier and easier to use your ‘second sight’.
What Do Aura Colours Mean
Seeing colours in the aura can be a bit tricky. But interpreting what those colours mean, is very tricky! It definitely takes a lot of time and practice.
Bear in mind that colours occur in many different shades and tints, in flashes and sparks, and are constantly changing. In other words, it’s very much up for interpretation.
Always consider the environment, the circumstances and other factors when viewing the aura colours. It’s always best to shy away from sweeping generalizations. Humans are complex, multi-layered beings.
Colours occur in many shades and tints. To begin understanding what different aura colours mean, we first must have an understanding of the primary and neutral colours.
The primary colours are red, yellow and blue. The neutral colours are black and white. All the colours in the visible spectrum are hues, shades and tints of these colours combined in different degrees. Thus a colours meaning is never clear cut, it is a blending of the meanings of the different shades and tints present to make any particular colour.

Aura Colours & Meanings:
Neutral colours of black and white aura meanings:
Keywords: Shielding, Blocking, Depression, Numbness, Negative Energy, Past Trauma, Malice, Hate
- Black is the absence of light and all other colours.
- Seeing a black colour in the aura can indicate strong shielding (protection), which might be seen in a person who actively strengthens their auric shield (most energy workers)
- Someone who is extremely secretive and is ‘hiding’ their true self.
- Depression (numbness, a lack of emotion).
- Negative or harmful energy or entities (as the opposite of light and light beings). Long term negative emotions borne of experiences that have not been processed or dealt with can turn black in the aura.
- Black can also indicate true malice (ill will, intent to harm) and hate, but in general you’ll find the root of these ‘evil’ emotions are linked to past unresolved trauma that has grown into the powerful black state.
- Grey is indicative of depression, fear or negativity that has not yet “dug in”, lack of courage, cloudiness of thought etc.
Keywords: Light, Higher Self, Divine Truth, Divine Connection
- White is the blending of all colours in perfect balance.
- It represents Pure Spirit, Divine Source, All That Is, is seen as being embodied in white light.
- Seeing white in the aura can suggest spiritual guidance, true connection to Higher Self
- Deeply spiritual person / someone with a high degree of spiritual attainment.
- A soul at peace.
- Clear mindedness.
- Living one’s Divine truth.
Let’s look at the meaning of primary colours in the aura.
Keywords: Physical, Vitality, Drive, Pure Emotion
- Red, appearing as a bright primary colour, is indicative of life energy, of health and virility, like freshly oxygenated blood.
- The colour red in the aura generally related to physical matter.
- Bright reds and light reds usually represent strong, pure emotions of a higher state, like love, friendship, healthy enjoyment, passion.
- Muddy reds tend towards lower emotions tainted by selfishness or lack of balance, such as desire, jealousy, possessiveness or ‘dirty-handedness’ (e.g. muddy, dark red: an unbridled desire to win, to be seen as the best, regardless of how you get there, contrasted against bright red: pure enjoyment and thrill of the game).
- Dark reds lean towards anger, temper issues, dark passions.
- Children will often have lots of red in their auras.
Keywords: Intellectual, Thought, Knowledge, Will
- Yellow is linked to intellect, thought, knowledge, wisdom.
- Those who are teaching or learning, or have a true love of intellect, will have bright yellows.
- Tinged with blue can indicate great spiritual teachers.
- Seen with reds and oranges links to the physical or animal nature.
- Darker or muddier shades represent intellectual ambition, pride, domination or manipulation through intellect (eg. muddy orange, a combination of yellow, red and black, can indicate someone who uses their intelligence to bend the will of others their way).
Keywords: Spiritual, Religion, Intuition, Inspiration, Superstition
- Pure, bright primary blue is linked to the spiritual and religious.
- Light blues and clear blues can indicate true spiritual unfoldment, love of spirituality, deep connection.
- Upliftment, inspiration, intuition.
- Darker blues and muddy blues indicate spiritual or religious beliefs that weigh towards superstition, judgement, fear, and other negative or harmful emotions.
Secondary colours are made through two primary colours blending together. Here are the secondary colours and their aura meanings.
Blue (spiritual) and Yellow (intellectual) make Green.
Greens are indicative of growth, nature, abundance and healing. Seeing darker or muddier green shades in the aura tilt towards envy, lack of tolerance, lack of tact, or absence of compassion.
Blue (spiritual) and Red (physical) make Purple.
Purple can mean someone who has highly developed extra-sensory perception, in the sense of perceiving both the physical (red) and the spiritual (blue) / astral realms.
Purples can also be indicative of someone who wants to be seen as a spiritual (blue) leader (red), royalty in a sense, or a spiritual leader who has ‘dominion’ over their ‘flock’.
This can be both a positive or a negative trait depending on the brightness and clarity or dullness, muddiness or darkness of the hues present.
Keywords: Spiritual, Religion, Intuition, Inspiration, Superstition
Yellow (Intellect) and Red (Physical) make Orange. Colour hues of Orange in the aura generally have a meaning related to different forms of pride (red) of intellect (yellow).
For example, someone who has dedicated their life to the study of a subject and is proud of their knowledge and achievements. A debate champion would have a lot of orange. Orange in balance is an enjoyment and sense of fulfilment through the study (intellect) of the world (physical) around them.
Muddy or dark Oranges are indicative of intellectual manipulation, of someone who will use their intelligence to bend things their way. Red Orange might suggest traits of domination, and lording power over others, or those bound to prideful arrogance.
Build Your Own

Keep a notebook and record the colours you see and the circumstances. In this way you can slowly start to build your own personal colour interpretation key.
It’s a great idea to start a notebook to record the colours you see and the circumstances.
You can also ask friends if you can practice on them. In this way you can slowly start to build your own personal colour interpretation key.
- Get your friend to stand in front of a light coloured wall, with their back towards you.
- Ask them to think about a memory with a very strong, clear emotion, without letting on which emotion it is.
- Record what you see, and jot down your first interpretations as you see them.
- Then find out which emotion your friend was feeling, and write that down.
- Ask them to think of another, and observe how the colours interact and change.
- Do this with several different people, to see the variations.
In Summary
Learning to see colours in the aura, and learning to interpret them, takes practice. The aura is always in motion, and colours can be affected by day to day things as well as long term events and finally a person’s personality and character. Seeing colours in the aura requires you to exercise your extra-sensory perception, like building a muscle. Colour interpretation begins with understanding the neutral and primary colours, and how they blend together to create all the shades and hues. In conclusion, practice is the key!