Rose Quartz Star Dodecahedron 6.5cm


Rose Quartz Star Dodecahedron 6.5cm. Lovely pale pink, semi-gemmy material. Individually hand carved and polished, with excellent craftsmanship! From Ambatfindrahana, Madagascar. Good to Very Good Grade. Size approx 6.5cm. Weight approx 228g.


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Rose Quartz Star Dodecahedron 6.5cm

Lovely pale pink, semi-gemmy Rose Quartz star dodecahedron. Individually hand carved and polished, with excellent craftsmanship! From Ambatfindrahana, Madagascar. Good to Very Good Grade. Size approx 6.5cm. Weight approx 228g.



Rose Quartz is the name for opaque to translucent macro-crystalline Quartz that is light to dark pink in colour. There are now two distinct types of Rose Quartz. One is what we traditionally know as Rose Quartz. Common Rose Quartz only ever forms in massive (i.e. lacking any distinct crystal shapes).

Recent testing of common Rose Quartz shows nanofibers of pink Dumortierite included in the Quartz material are responsible for the colour, and not titanium, iron or manganese as previously believed. When polished, these fibres sometimes create an optical effect in the Quartz called a star asterism, similar to Sapphire. Rose Quartz with a visible star asterism is also known as Star Rose Quartz. Common Rose Quartz can also occur with certain colour hues:

  • Red tinted (Hematite inclusions),
  • Blue tinted (blue Dumortierite inclusions) or
  • Grey tinted (with Graphite inclusions or after irradiation exposure).


The second type of Rose Quartz forms distinct crystals. Considered very rare, so far this crystalline Rose Quartz is only found in Brazil. Pale pink crystals growing over Smoky Quartz crystals in small parallel groups. This Rose Quartz is believed to get its colour from irradiation and not nanofibre inclusions as with common massive Rose Quartz.



Physical Healing Keywords:

  • Skin, Burns;
  • Circulatory System, Heart;
  • Respiratory System, Lungs


Metaphysical Keywords:

Clarity, Healing, Calming, Balance, Wisdom, Love, Self-love


Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is considered to be the most important stone for the heart chakra, by teaching the essence of true love. It aids in purifying and opening the heart on all levels. This brings a deep inner healing & self love. Because Rose Quartz is calming & reassuring, it’s excellent for use in trauma or crisis. Plus, this stone strengthens empathy.

It is said to attract love into your life, therefore place in relationship corner of bedroom or home (far right corner). In fact, it can be so effective that you might need to add Amethyst for balance. A stone that can help restore trust & harmony. Rose Quartz gently draws off negative energy & replaces it with loving vibes. 


Additional information


Libra, Taurus


Heart Chakra

Colour Group

Pink & Peach Crystals

Crystal System


Other Names

Stone of Unconditional Love, The Romance Stone


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