Septerye Dragonstone Crystalline Freeform 7cm


Septerye Dragonstone Crystalline Freeform 7cm. Lovely Septerye oval, one side left natural with exposed Aragonite drusy crystals. The other side of the piece has a polish with some cool tiny intrusive vugs. From Madagascar. Good to A Grade. Size approx 7cm. Weight approx 158g.


1 in stock


Septerye Dragonstone Crystalline Freeform 7cm.

Lovely Septerye oval, one side left natural with exposed Aragonite drusy crystals. The other side of the piece has a polish with some cool tiny intrusive vugs. From Madagascar. Good to A Grade. Size approx 7cm. Weight approx 158g.



Septerye is a combination of caramel brown Limestone patches surrounded by dark chocolate brown Aragonite borders / veins and lemon yellow Calcite. Also known as Septarian, it is a type of sedimentary geode formed on ancient sea floors during the Cretaceous period 50-70 million years ago.

The name ‘Dragonstone’ is from a Malagasy legend in Madagascar, where Septerye originates, that these special stones formed from the fossil remains of Dragons!



Physical Healing Keywords:

  • Muscular Skeletal System, Joints, Weakness, Bruises, Teeth, Gums;
  • Circulatory System, Anemia, Heart
  • Nervous System, Brain, Night Terrors, Nightmares


Metaphysical Keywords:

Centering, Patience, Public Speaking, Self Confidence, Self Worth, Tolerance, Acceptance, Psychic Abilities, Protection, Earth Healing, Devic Realm, Shamanic Work


Dragonstone / Septereye

Septerye encourages self-nurturing, care for others, and protection of the Earth. It fosters patience and tolerance for differing opinions, allowing you to resonate at higher spiritual vibrations, making it ideal for meditation groups. This stone promotes clear communication of ideas and purpose.

A powerful healing stone, Septerye clears negative energy from the environment, transforms geopathic stress, and unblocks ley lines. It connects you to the energies of nature and the Devic realm. With strong shamanic energy, it is especially useful in drumming and healing circles.

Additionally, Septerye offers protection by deflecting unwanted attention and enhancing personal privacy. In crystal layouts and healing grids, it serves as a grounding stone that restores balance by directing energy into the physical body, stabilizing the root and earth star chakras.

This stone also provides energies of acceptance, flexibility, generosity, increased tolerance, and preparedness, supporting endurance over the long term. It facilitates psychic abilities, telepathy, channeling, and out-of-body experiences. Furthermore, it cleanses and re-balances the physical and subtle bodies while harmonizing and calming the mind, teaching discernment along the way.


Additional information




Root Chakra

Colour Group

Brown & Earth Toned Colours

Crystal System

Hexagonal – Trigonal

Other Names

Dragonstone, Limestone, Aragonite & Calcite, Septarian


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