Agate, Dendritic One Side Polished 7cm


Dendritic Agate One Side Polished 7cm. The rest in its natural rough state. Best of both worlds! Uncommon and very beautiful material. From Moralambo, Madagascar. Very Good to A Grade. Size approx 7cm. Weight approx 142g.


1 in stock


Dendritic Agate One Side Polished 7cm

This Dendritic Agate freeform is polished on one side, while the rest is in its natural rough state. Best of both worlds! Uncommon and very beautiful material. From Moralambo, Madagascar. Very Good to A Grade. Size approx 7cm. Weight approx 142g.



Dendritic Agate, also known as Moss Agate, is a translucent Chalcedony with green or brown inclusions (less commonly yellow, red or black) called ‘dendrites’. Often misinterpreted as plant fossils, the dendrites actually form when water rich in (variously) Manganese, Chrome and/or Iron, flow along tiny cracks between layers and within the crystal matrix. The oxide then crystallizes in this multi-branching tree or moss-like pattern.

Similar to Tree Agate (Merlinite) in appearance, the main difference is that Tree Agate is solid/opaque with moss patterns, whereas Moss Agate is usually translucent, so the “moss” appears in 3D.

Read more about Agate in our Crystal Feature HERE.


Crystal Healing

Physical Healing Keywords

  • Immune System, Bacterial & Viral Infections;
  • Circulatory System, Blood, Circulation;
  • Digestive System, Intestines, Crohn’s Disease;
  • Lymphatic System; Urinary System, Hydration;
  • Nervous System, Brain, Memory, Focus;
  • Reproductive System, Birth


Metaphysical Keywords

Abundance, Animal Communication, Balancing, Calming, Chakra Work, Devic & Nature Realm, Earth Healing, Grounding, Persistence, Perseverance, Prosperity, Self Confidence, Self Worth, Stability


Dendritic Agate

Dendritic Agate vibrates with abundance, prosperity and growth. Not just financially, but in every aspect of your life. It can enhance your self-confidence and perseverance. As well as transform negative energy (both in the environment and the body) into positive energy. Dendritic Agate connects to the Devic Realm and opens the pathway to communicate with nature.

By helping you align with your spiritual goals, Dendritic Agate aids in releasing unwanted and destructive thoughts and behaviours. Thus guiding you to act from your Higher Self / I AM identity. Dendritic Agate can help you discern true friends from false ones. It promotes communication and understanding. Finally, Dendritic Agate helps support release from addiction.


Additional information




Heart Chakra, Root Chakra

Colour Group

Black, Silver & Grey Colours, Brown & Earth Toned Colours

Crystal System

Hexagonal – Trigonal, Monoclinic


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