Sturmanite Crystal 2.5cm


Sturmanite Crystal 2.5cm. Single Sturmanite crystal thumbnail specimen. Awesome bright yellow with gemmy translucency! Good to A Grade. From N`Chwaning II, Northern Cape, South Africa. Size approx 2.5cm. Weight approx 3g.


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Sturmanite Crystal 2.5cm

Single Sturmanite crystal thumbnail specimen. Awesome bright yellow with gemmy translucency! Good to A Grade. From N`Chwaning II, Northern Cape, South Africa. Size approx 2.5cm. Weight approx 3g.



Sturmanite is a rare mineral that belongs to the Ettringite group. Its colour ranges from greenish yellow, yellow, yellow green, through to orange brown. The most prized specimens are translucent to transparent bright yellow to amber. Anything bigger than 3cm is considered exceptional.

Sturmanite gets its name after B. Darko Sturman, a Canadian mineralogist who made great contributions to systematic mineralogy. The Kalahari Manganese Fields (in particular Black Rock Mine) in South Africa is the primary locale of specimens, although it has also been reported in Russia at Lakargi Mountain.



Physical Healing Keywords:

  • Urinary System, Kidneys;
  • Digestive System, Liver, Colon;
  • Respiratory System, Lungs;
  • Circulatory System, Blood;
  • General toxin cleansing, removing heavy metals


Metaphysical Keywords:

Discernment, Decisions, Duality, Self Confidence, Cleansing, Cord Cutting, Reset, Personal Power, Clarity


Sturmanite (Ettringite)

Ettringite is aligned to Yin energy, while also providing strength and vitality to the physical body. This stone is an excellent aid for those who battle to make decisions or find themselves trapped between dualities. Ettringite can strengthen your natural discernment, bringing clarity and informed decisiveness. This also lends itself to building self-confidence and trust in your own ability to handle life.

Strongly cleansing, Ettringite is a powerful aid in isolating and removing toxins from the body – both physical and energetic. Thus helping the body return to its natural state of balance and health by eliminating foreign elements.


Additional information




Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra

Colour Group

Yellow, Cream & Gold Crystals

Crystal System

Hexagonal – Trigonal


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