Stichtite Rough Specimen 8cm


Stichtite Rough Specimen 8cm. Chatoyant purple Stichtite on matrix natural rough specimen. The silky Stichtite contrasts nicely against the dark matrix. Stands. Size approx 8cm Weight approx 124g.


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Stichtite Rough Specimen 8cm

Chatoyant purple Stichtite on matrix natural rough specimen. The silky Stichtite contrasts nicely against the dark matrix. Stands. Size approx 8cm Weight approx 124g.



Stichtite is a magnesium chromium carbonate and considered a rare mineral. It is an alteration product of Chromite containing Serpentine. Discovered in 1910 on the west coast of Tasmania. And named for the manager of a nearby copper mine, Robert Sticht.

It occurs in hues ranging from pink through lilac to a rich purple. When in association with green Serpentine, it is called Tasmanite or Atlantisite.



Physical Healing Keywords

  • Nervous System, Brain, ADHD, Headache and Migraines;
  • Muscular Skeletal System, Teeth, Hernia;
  • Circulatory System, Blood Pressure
  • Digestive System, Constipation, Toxins;
  • Endocrine System, Diabetes, Fatigue


Metaphysical Keywords

Kundalini Activation, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Spiritual Protection, Emotional Resilience, Angelic Realm, Spirit Guides, Patience, Nature, Gaia, Akashic Records, Grounding, Meditation



Stichtite is a beautiful vibing stone of love, unity and cooperation. It reminds us of the power of the heart. Stichtite works with the third eye and crown chakra, stimulating visionary experiences and boosting psychic abilities. This mineral connects to the angelic realm and encourages you to call on your guides and angels in both good and bad times.

Stichtite offers protection against negative emotional fields, while helping you to feel compassion towards those creating them. It also helps you overcome the reluctance to ask for support from others when support is needed. Stichtite can bring you into the present moment, aiding you in living in the now.


Additional information




Crown Chakra, Heart Chakra, Root Chakra

Colour Group

Purple, Lavender & Violet Crystals

Crystal System

Hexagonal – Trigonal

Other Names

Atlantisite, Stone of Peace, Tasmanite


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