Aragonite ‘Sputnik’ Specimen 4cm


Aragonite ‘Sputnik’ Specimen 4cm. A classic sputnik formation of peachy-brown Aragonite crystal specimen. Great form with nice colour and translucency. Very Good to A Grade. Size approx 4cm. Weight approx 39g.


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Aragonite ‘Sputnik’ Specimen 4cm

A classic sputnik formation of peachy-brown Aragonite crystal specimen. Great form with nice colour and translucency. A ‘sputnik’ refers to Aragonite that forms in a spherical shape consisting of radiating, elongated prismatic crystals. Very Good to A Grade. Size approx 4cm. Weight approx 39g.



Aragonite, like Calcite, is a polymorph of natural calcium carbonate. The two minerals are very similar and often difficult to distinguish from one another. However, Aragonite has a higher hardness and specific gravity. It’s generally colourless to white / grey, and can be found stained in a variety of colours by various trace minerals in its particular environment.

Aragonite is the main component of many organic substances, such as pearl and coral. The iridescent surface of mother – of – pearl, for example, is a layer of Aragonite which the mollusk excretes.



Physical Healing Properties

  • Nervous System, Pain, Regeneration, Hypothalamus, Body Temperature;
  • Muscular Skeletal System, Muscles, Joints;
  • Immune System


Metaphysical Properties

Emotional Balance, Strength, Confidence, Grounding, Higher Realms, Nature, Earth Healing, Interdimensional Work,



Aragonite is attuned to Mama Gaia, Earth Goddess energy. It is a powerful earth healer, bringing balance and grounding to spaces. Aragonite can help you come back into your physical body, to be present in the now and to feel comfortable in your own skin.

This crystal is wonderful to work with when you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed. It helps teach patience and acceptance, while aiding you in releasing oversensitivity and knee-jerk reactions to situations. An excellent stone for those who push themselves too hard.

Aragonite brings focus to the current issue, helping you concentrate on what is important right now. It can also assist in gaining insight into the cause of problems and situations.


Additional information




Crown Chakra, Earth Star

Colour Group

Brown & Earth Toned Colours

Crystal System



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