Aegirine Crystal Rod 4cm


Aegirine Crystal Rod 4cm. Natural rough piece of Aegirine. Tiny bit of white Orthoclase in association. From Zomba, Malawi.Good to A Grade. Weight approx 23g. Size approx 4cm.


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Aegirine Crystal Rod 4cm

Natural rough Aegirine crystal rod. Tiny bit of white Orthoclase in association. From Zomba, Malawi.Good to A Grade. Weight approx 23g. Size approx 4cm.



Aegirine is a dark green to black inosilicate mineral and part of the Pyroxene group. It can be found as long slender prismatic crystals, in radiating acicular sprays, fibrous, and in radial concretions. Norwegian mineralogist Hans Esmark named Aegirine in 1835 after Ægir, the Norse god of the sea.



Physical Healing Keywords

  • Digestive System, Liver, Gallbladder, Energy, Toxins;
  • Lymphatic System, Spleen;
  • Nervous System, Brain, Addiction Recovery


Metaphysical Keywords

Clearing, Protection, Energy, Confidence, Karmic Balance



Aegirine helps you redirect your thoughts in a positive direction. Especially when you find yourself stuck in feelings of depression or hopelessness. It can also aid in shifting negative emotions (shame, blame, guilt, worthlessness) into more helpful thinking. This property makes it an extremely helpful support in the treatment of addictions.

Aegirine will also help in letting go of destructive tendencies, by helping them to transform into positive future realities. Additionally, Aegirine stimulates an understanding of enlightenment, karmic balance, and spiritual commitment.

Read more about the Healing Properties Of Aegirine HERE.


Additional information


Pisces, Taurus


Earth Star, Higher Heart

Colour Group

Black, Silver & Grey Colours, Green Crystals

Crystal System


Other Names
