Ammonite Iridescent Opalised Fossil


Ammonite Iridescent Opalised Fossil

Stunning! Variable levels of gem Opal iridescence (fire) on the surface of the fossil, with flashes of reds, greens and pink hues. Whole, natural, top grade fossil specimen. From Mainterano, Madagascar. Very Good to A Grade. Weight approx 31g.


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Ammonite Iridescent Opalised Fossil

Stunning! Variable levels of gem Opal iridescence (fire) on the surface of the fossil, with flashes of reds, greens and pink hues. Whole, natural, top grade fossil specimen. From Mainterano, Madagascar. Very Good to A Grade. Weight approx 31g.



Ammonites lived in the sea, belonging to the phylum Mollusca and the class Cephalopoda. They had a ribbed spiral shell. Ammonites were close relatives of today’s cuttlefish, octopuses and squids. These spectacular looking marine animals thrived in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic Eras, which equates to approximately 408 to 65 million years ago.

Ammonites inhabited the planet for more than 300 million years – almost twice as long as dinosaurs – before disappearing in the mass extinction event more than 66 million years ago.

Opals are a broad group of stones that are composed of Cristobalite, Tridymite, a combination of both, and/or amorphous Silica. Additionally, they contain between 3-21% water within their structure.

Gem opals (also known as precious or noble opals) usually have between 6-10% water and display a play of colour due to light refraction within the stone. Whereas opals without this play of colour are known as common opals. They can be either opaque or glassy with a waxy lustre.



Physical Healing Keywords:

  • Reproductive System, Birth;
  • Circulatory System, Heart, Blood Pressure;
  • Nervous System, Degenerative Disorders, Ears;
  • Respiratory System, Lungs;
  • General Health, Stamina, Vitality


Metaphysical Healing Keywords:

Abundance, Prosperity, Release Negativity, Ease Depression, Success, Ancient Knowledge, Wisdom



Eons old fossil. Stimulus to architects and those in construction. Provides insight to the basis from which to start and allows you to hold onto the “whole picture” from conception to use of an idea. Protective. Brings stability and structure to life. Transforms negativity into a smooth, flowing energy. Encourages survival instincts.

Additional information


Aquarius, Cancer



Colour Group

All, White & Clear Crystals

Other Names



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