What is Aura Quartz? Read on to find out everything you need to know about this beautiful group of crystals. INCLUDING A LOOK AT 8 SPECIAL TYPES OF AURA QUARTZ.
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What Is It?
Aura Quartz is an enhanced crystal – a crystal that has undergone some form of treatment after coming out of the ground. In this case, it is clear Quartz crystal that has been coated with precious metals, including titanium, copper, iron, gold and others, in a process of applied heat and electrolysis.
All Aura Quartz have beautiful iridescence, which is where the name ‘Aura’ is derived. Different Aura Quartz colours are a combination of different precious metals to achieve their different effects.
How Is It Made?
The precious metals and mienrals are vapourized in a vacuum chamber and deposited onto Quartz crystals at a high temperature by electrostatic charge. The process, which Geology In calls “vacuum deposition”, as well as the materials used, mean that this is an expensive treatment. Aura Quartz as a result is generally at a mid to fairly high price point for quality pieces.
Read our article “FAKE CRYSTALS VS ENHANCED CRYSTALS” to learn about the difference between a faked synthetic crystal and a crystal that has undergone a treatment to enhance it.
Types Of Aura Quartz
Let’s take a look at 8 types of Aura Quartz – both what they consist of, and their healing properties according to crystal healing experts.

1. Angel Aura Quartz
AKA: Opal Aura Quartz
Angel Aura Quartz is a combination of natural Quartz crystal bonded with Platinum and Silver, creating a silvery iridescence likened to the gossamer wings of angels.
This is my personal favourite Aura Quartz variety. It’s subtle and enhances the natural clear Quartz without completely “remaking” it.

Angel Aura Quartz is known as the Crystal of New Horizons and Divine Connection.
It can be used for purifying and balancing all the chakras. Angel Aura Quartz can integrate the light body into the physical dimension, creating a deep state of meditative awareness. Thus helping to ground the information received from the cosmic realm into the physical body.
More properties this stone is associated with include:
- Nourishes heart chakra with positivity
- Opens energy blockages
- Fosters stronger sense of connection with others
- Assists in seeing “now” paths
- Enhances meditation
- Crystal of joy
2. Apple Aura Quartz
AKA: Green Aura Quartz
Apple Aura Quartz is Clear Quartz bonded with Nickel; displaying a fresh, yellow-green color reminiscent of a Granny Smith or Golden Delicious apple.
Crystal healing properties
Connects to the solar plexus and heart chakras, cleansing and purifying these chakras so that one is open to one’s emotions and to have a joy filled demeanour.

- Assists in severing ties from previous relationships
- Aids multidimensional and cellular memory healing
- Efficient receptor for programming and bringing the body into balance
- Worn over the base of the sternum or taped over the Spleen Chakra, it fights energy drains and overcomes psychic vampirism.
3. Aqua Aura Quartz
AKA: Blue Aura Quartz
Aqua Aura Quartz is clear Quartz bonded with Platinum and Silver, sometimes Gold or other trace metals; exhibiting a light blue, rainbow irridescence.
It is strongly connected to the element of water, and it is therefore a stone for enhancing one’s access to the truth of emotions.

This highly stimulating crystal to the throat Chakra, enhancing one’s ability to communicate inner truth, and it also has a soothing and relaxing effect on the emotional body.
In addition, this variety is used for:
- Increasing power of healing, love and protection
- Soothing anger
- Cooling feverishness
- Releasing stress
4. Celestial Aura Quartz
AKA: Indigo Aura Quartz, Azure Aura Quartz, Titanium Rainbow Aura Quartz, Tanzine Aura Quartz, Tanzanite Aura Quartz
Celestial Aura Quartz is created by the bonding of Indium and Gold to Quartz, sometimes with additional Niobium.
Forms as blue, indigo and purple crystals with characteristic metallic iridescence so prized in Aura Quartz varieties.

- Facilitates multi-dimensional balance and profound spiritual interconnection
- Believed to bring connection with Raziel, the Archangel of mysteries and esoteric knowledge.
- Opens and aligns the Soul Star and highest Crown Chakras, drawing cosmic energy into the physical body and to Earth.
- It is excellent for meditation, and enkindles a centered “no-mind” state that enhances sensual enjoyment of the world.
- Offers deep spiritual comfort, dissolving emotional blockages and replacing them with unconditional love and the sense of being part of a greater soul group.
5. Flame Aura Quartz
AKA: Purple Aura Quartz, Purple Flame Aura Quartz
Flame Aura Quartz is Clear Quartz bonded with Titanium to create the purple hue.
Purple Aura Quartz brings about deep spiritual connection. It calls on Archangel Raziel, the Archangel of mysteries and esoteric wisdom.

More properties this stone is associated with include:
- Powerful meditation aid
- Encourages mindfulness
- Assists in removing emotional and energetic blockages
- Reconnects you with your soul group
- Energizes and aligns all chakras, activates crown & higher chakra
- Brings about a feeling of lightness, easing depression and sparking joy.
6. Golden Aura Quartz
AKA: Gold Aura Quartz
Golden Aura Quartz is a combination of natural Quartz crystal bonded with Gold, Copper and other precious metals.
Gold Aura Quartz increases self-worth and personal power by raising one’s vibrations to empowerment and joy.

It can bring abundance to one’s life through positive thoughts and actions, and bring clarity and mental focus. Gold Aura Quartz allows one to be compassionate and open to receive and give love on all levels. It assists with galactic activation and activating higher crown chakras.
7. Rose Aura Quartz
AKA: Pink Aura Quartz
Rose Aura Quartz is Clear Quartz bonded with Platinum, sometimes with additional Gold or Silver; exhibiting a lovely pink rose metallic sheen.
Platinum is said to have the highest vibrational spectrum of any metal. It is Spirit, angelic energy, life force in its aspect of transformation. A metal of cosmic connection and stellar knowledge.

Rose Aura Quartz Crystal uplifts one’s mood and puts one into a state of serenity and peace allowing one to perceive and receive the love energies of the higher planes. Additionally:
- Rose Aura Quartz is associated with protection against radiation and dispelling static electricity.
- Works at a vibrational level attuned to the specific energy requirements of the person needing healing or undertaking spiritual work.
- Enhances psychic abilities
- Attunes you to your spiritual purpose.
- Platinum enhances connection with angels and spirit guides and carries the energy patterns of revelation.
- It works on the auric field to heal “auric holes”.
- Aura and chakra clearing, removing cords, limited beliefs system, mental attitudes, unspoken psychic contracts and astral parasites.
- Aligns and purifies all chakras allowing the Rainbow Light Body activation and integration.
Titanium Cobalt Aura Quartz
AKA: Titanium Quartz
Titanium Cobalt Aura Quartz is a combination of Clear Quartz bonded with Cobalt. It exhibits vivid shades of metallic blue, violet and gold.
CRystal Healing
Titanium Cobalt Blue Quartz is very energizing on all levels, and can awaken all seven chakras, the energy centers of the body. The rich hues of colors in this quartz are alive, dancing energy, ready to enliven your life, and add sparkle and magic to your day.

More properties this stone is associated with include:
- Astral projection
- Third eye activation
- It is said to increase zest and enjoyment of life, and to dispel sadness.