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Three Times Three

“By the power of three times three” – have you seen or heard this phrase and wondered where it came from or what it means? Read on to find out!


By the power of three times three! Ever wondered where this saying comes from?

This is one of those sayings that have been used for hundreds of years and acquired a life, power, symbology and energy of its own.

The saying “by the power of three times three” essentially relates to the sacred power of the number three, magnified by itself. Three, three times. 

The symbol of the triad or trinity has existed over immeasurable time and throughout the world. It can be understood as a key to the integrity and interdependence of all existence.” This, from

The words integrity and interdependence stand out for me. While there may be a need to persuade, stating something three times may also represent an honest subconscious intention.

Dana Poul-Graf, The Magic of the Number 3 

Let’s dive into some of the history and links to ‘three times three’ or ‘three by three’.

The Law Of Three


The Law of Three originates from Russian philosopher, George Ivan Gurdjieff (c. 1867 – 1949)

“Every phenomenon, on whatever scale (from subatomic to cosmic) and in whatever world, springs from the interaction of three forces: the first active, the second passive, and the third neutralizing.”

George Ivan Gurdjieff

The new, arising from this interaction, will in turn form a new triad by which the process continues in its course of creativity. 

“Every action requires three forces. When three forces are present, things happen, actions are actualized. But without three forces—with one or two forces—nothing happens. There are different names for each force. The first force is called the active or positive or motivating force. The second force is called the negative or passive or denying force. The third force is called the neutralizing or facilitating or invisible force.”

The Threefold Law – WICCAN

The Threefold Rule is also known as the Three-fold Law, the Rule of Three and the Law of Return. It states that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times. 

One of the earliest references to this belief is found in Gerald Gardner’s 1949 book, High Magic’s Aid:

“Thou hast obeyed the Law. But mark well, when thou receivest good, so equally art bound to return good threefold.”

It also appears in The Wiccan Rede, “Mind the Three-fold Laws you should three times bad and three times good.”

Sacred Symbols with Three Aspect

Here are some examples of ancient sacred symbols that show the aspect of three:

  • Triple Goddess
  • Holy Trinity
  • Triskelion
  • Triquetra
  • Trikvetr Knot
  • Valknut

Three in Religion


  • There are many in ancient Egyptian mythology, such as the sungod Ra: Khepi (morning), Re-Horakhty (noon), Atum (evening) and the Osirian (or Abydos) triad of Osiris (husband), Isis (wife), and Horus (son)
  • Odin, Vili and Ve in Norse mythology, as well as Odin, Freyr, and Thor 
  • Classical Greek Olympic triad of Zeus, Athena, and Apollo
  • The Eleusinian Mysteries: Persephone, Demeter and Triptolemus
  • Hindu’s primary god Brahman: Sat, Cit, Andanda
  • Perkūnas (god of heaven), Patrimpas (god of earth) and Pikuolis (god of death) in Prussian mythology
  • The Wiccan Triple Goddess: the Maiden, Mother and Crone
  • Three Pure Ones in Taoism
  • The triad of Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat in the time of Mohammed (Holy Qu’ran (Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation), Surah 53:19-22)
  • Perkūnas (god of heaven), Patrimpas (god of earth) and Pikuolis (god of death) in Prussian mythology
  • The Christian god: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit


The Tanakh is divided into three sections: the Torah (the first five books Genesis, Exodus, Levicitus, Numbers and Deuteronomy), the Prophets and Writings (the historical and more-or-less historical books)

The number three is used in the Torah to mediate between two opposing or contradictory values. The third value mediates, reconciles, and connects the two. In a nutshell, one stands for unity. Two stands for disagreement. Three stands for the harmony of opposites that includes the properties of one and two. 

IN christianity

Apart from the obvious ‘Holy Trinity’ and the 3 realms (Heaven, Earth, Hell), the number 3 appears 467 times in the Bible, according to Here are some examples:

  • The 3 righteous patriarchs before the flood were Abel, Enoch and Noah.
  • After the deluge, there was the three righteous “fathers” of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (later renamed Israel)
  • “Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish” (Matthew 12:40).
  • Baby Jesus was presented with 3 gifts from the wise men, after his birth
  • Jesus told Peter that the rooster would crow after he had denied Jesus three times
  • Jesus prayed three times in the Garden of Gethsemane before His arrest. 
  • While Jesus was on the Cross, it became dark for three hours (Matthew 27:45, Mark 15:33, Luke 23:44)
  • There were three women named Mary with Jesus when He was crucified (John 19:25), and three women visited His grave (Mark 16:1).
  • Christ was dead for three full days and nights
  • Jesus took only 3 of his disciples, James, Peter and John, up a large hill in order to view his transfiguration (Matthew 17:3 – 9). What the men saw, in a vision, were 3 people in their glorified form (Jesus, Moses and Elijah)
  • In Revelations, Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet represent the “triple threat” of the apocalypse.
  • God is described, in the very beginning of the book of Revelation, as a Being with the three-fold characteristic, “which is, and which was, and which is to come” (Revelation 1:4)
  • The New Jerusalem, created by God for placement on a new earth, will be shaped like a square with 3 gates on each side (Revelation 21:13)

In Paganism

  • The Rule of Three (also Three-fold Law or Law of Return)
  • The Triple Goddess
  • Three is considered magickal, for example as stated in the Wiccan Rede “For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out”


According to Rami Sivan (Hindu Priest and Yoga-Vedanta teacher):

“Everything in Hinduism seems to be either based on or associated with THREE.”

The trifector of existence begins with the emergence of the Universe from the original singularity known as the BINDU. The three emergence forces are known as the Guṇas which are rajas – the kinetic energy, tamas – the static energy and sattva is the balance between them. Most of the subsequent trifectors are related to these three primordial forces.

Examples of significant 3’s in Hinduism:

  • 3 Vedas: Rig, Yajur and Sama
  • 3 Varnas; Brahmin, Kshatriyas and Vaishya 
  • 3 Ashrama or stages of life. Brahmachari (Student), Grihastha (householder) and vānaprastha (retiree)
  • Scriptures (Prasthana Trayam); Upanishads, Gīta and Brahmā-sūtras.
  • The 3 types of Karmaprarābdha (past actions yielding dividends now.) kriyaman (actions currently being performed) and sañcita (cumulative store).
  • The 3 types of birth:– biological, ritual through initiation and funeral – through the fire of cremation.
  • The three states of consciousness:– jāgrata (interactive consciousness), svapna (dream), suṣupti (unconsciousness) and the 4th is turiyā which is the collectie unconscious connecting the other states and forming their basis.
  • The three powers of the mind are:– jñāna śakti (power of cognition), iccha śakti (power of emotion) and kriya śakti – (the power of actionability).
  • The three poisons of the mind:– Kāma (self-referent desire, passion), krodha (anger) and Lobha (greed). The 4th is moha —delusion which is the substrata of the three.
  • 3 Factors of essential Self:– jñāta (knower), karta (actor) and bhokta (experiencer)
  • 3 Means of knowing:– pratyakṣa (tangible evidence), anumāna (rational thinking) and āpta-vākya (testimony from a trustworthy reporter)
  • 3 Forces of desire and motivation:– putreṣaṇa (reproduction), vitteṣaṇa (wealth and power, and lokeṣana (validation, fame, recognition and companionship)
  • The 3 characteristics of Dharma:– adroha (harbouring no negative feelings), anugraha (compassion) and dāna (generosity and altruism).

Cultural & Contextual References

Examples of the number 3:

  • Three primary colours
  • Earth, Sky, Moon
  • Mother, Father, Child
  • 3 Phases of time: Past, Present, Future
  • 3 Life stages: Birth, Life, Death
  • Beginning, Middle, End
  • Heart, Mind, Body and Mind, Body, Soul
  • Faith, Hope, Charity
  • Live, Love, Laugh
  • “Third time lucky”, “Third time’s a charm”, “Good things come in three’s” , “Three’s the magic number”
  • Fairy tales: three wishes, three guesses, the three billy goats gruff; the three bears; the three little pigs; the three musketeers
  • Hip, hip, hooray! / Three cheers
  • “I’m going to count to 3” (Parent warning child)
  • Triads
  • Three breaks a tie
  • In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth (1606–07) there are three witches, and their spell begins, “Thrice the brindled cat hath mewed”
  • 3 Particles in an atom: protons, neutrons, and electrons
  • In mathematics, the number 3 is a prime number, and it is the first odd prime number. It is also the first number that forms a geometrical shape, which is the triangle.
  • 3 States of matter: solid, liquid, and gas

Research gives further evidence on why three is the magic number. One recent study found that in advertisements, speeches, and other messages designed to have a persuasive effect, three claims will persuade. Still, four or more will trigger skepticism – and may even reverse an initially positive impression.”  

Why three is the magic number“,

Three in Numerology

In numerology, the number three symbolizes the principles of growth. When the initiating force of 1 unites with the germinating energy of 2, there is fruitfulness = 3, the Trinity.  3 signifies that there is a synthesis present  –  that imagination and an outpouring of energy is in action. The ‘thought’ of 1 and the ‘fertility’ of 2 results in the ‘creativity’ of 3. 

The number three is also believed to resonate with the energies of the Ascended Masters and indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires.

In Summary

Clearly the number 3 is considered special and we can see that it appears throughout human history, religion, and thought. The exact origin of “three times three” is unknown to us, because it stretches so far back, its first use is unknown. Some have postulated the first record of it is in Norse mythology, others in Egyptian mythology. The truth is, we cannot be certain.

But the meaning of three times three has a psychological basis of honest assertion, of truth and completeness. It is action, manifestation, multiplying the sacred energy of intent.

I hope you enjoyed this facinating journey into the sacred and special meaning of the number three, and the saying “three times three”.