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Shop News December 2021

Find out what’s happening this December in our shop newsletter! Pink Tourmaline, the Dark of the moon, Litha and more inside!


We are having SO much fun counting down to the holidays! We’re adding new stock and new sale items almost every day! Scroll down to see some of the great deals we have for you.

Just a reminder that we can gift wrap orders with a personal message, and leave out the invoice, if you’d like to have your presents delivered straight to your loved ones. Just make a note for us at check out. And you should totally get one for yourself xxx 

Lastly, this year we are going to be offering DIY eco friendly crackers. We tested them out last year and they are SO fun! Making them up with your loved ones is a special activity to do together in itself, plus of course the crackers have crystals inside them so….

No brainer, amitrite?

We’re doing a small run for our first batch so make sure to grab as soon as they are up! We’ll post on social media & include them in next week’s weekly wrap.

Kraft crystal cracker with lavender

A holiday is an opportunity to journey, within
– Prabhas

Crystal Feature: Pink Tourmaline, Lepidolite & Quartz Specimens

The pink Tourmaline, Lepidolite & Quartz specimens are our CRYSTAL FEATURE this month! And we have some on special for you 🙂

An awesome way for collectors to be able to afford something usually reserved for high rollers. Plus they are such a beautiful looking combo.

Very much primed for: heart chakra healing, working with self worth, and depression.


These specimens are from a deposit in Karibib, Namibia. They have rods of milky, opaque pink Tourmaline running through a snow white Quartz matrix, with pink-purple flaked Lepidolite inclusions. 

Some specimens have a tint of blue in the matrix which could possibly be Indicolite (blue Tourmaline), but would require testing to confirm. 

Tourmaline, Pink With Lepidolite, Quartz, Feldspar 12cm 469g 1 T11 1


Pink Tourmaline:

  • Offers deep heart healing and activates the Heart chakra.
  • Strengthens willpower, wisdom, empathy and compassion.
  • Connects the Heart Chakra and the Root Chakra, allowing for emotional balance and love that is grounded and steady.
  • Enhances creativity.
  • Makes you aware of blockages in order to dissolve them, facilitating deeper connections with others.
  • Excellent support crystal for any kind of abuse.
  • Calms anxiety and panic attacks.
  • Aids in mental health upliftment, improving self worth and self care.

On Sale Now

Lots on sale to see!

  • We have brand new pink Tourmaline, Lepidolite and Quartz specimens on sale!
  • The Labby one side polished pieces are so gorgeous, and marked down on already good prices. Perfect stocking fillers!
  • Then we have a mix of lovely items all new and on sale.
  • Something for everyone! And we are adding more next week!

On the bookshelf section banner

Book Feature: Yoga By The Stars

Practices and Meditations Inspired by the Zodiac

A Month-by-Month Guide to Using Celestial Wisdom in Your Yoga Practice

Jilly Shipway, author of Yoga Through the Year, shows you how to make your practice shine through specially chosen affirmations, asanas, correspondences, and more. This book is a vital resource for expanding your awareness and enjoying the gifts of the zodiac.

Featuring poses, meditations, visualizations, and breathing exercises, Yoga by the Stars invites you to journey through the wheel of the zodiac.

Discover how its symbolism inspires new and exciting yoga sequences.

Yoga By The Stars

Other new books in the bookshop:

Wheel of the year newsletter banner



In the Wheel of the Year: Here in the Southern Hemisphere, we are heading into sunshining summer! And between 20 and 23 December (depending on the year), we reach the peak of summer, with the Summer Solstice. The Summer Solstice marks the longest day and shortest night of the year. This year the solstice falls on Tuesday 21 December 2021.

But really, why limit yourself. Celebrate the week!

The Summer Solstice, or Midsummer, is celebrated with a festival called Litha.

Gold, yellow and orange colours decorate the festivities, along with plenty of Summer flowers. 

Summer Solstice Litha flowers

This is the time of the greatest abundance of life and food for the entire Wheel of the Year – so the feast is a BIG highlight for this festival.

All things sunshine, flowers, growth, and expansion are at the forefront.


Traditionally, people stayed up all night on Midsummer’s Eve to welcome and watch the sunrise.

Summer Solstice Litha the Oak King

In the mythological cycle, the Sun (God) is at the height of His power, and the Father pours His energy and love into the Earth.

Traditionally, the Oak King or Green Man was honoured.

In this moment, we know, however, that every day hereafter will begin to shorten as the dark half of the year approaches.

Bonfires were lit to honour the fullness of the Sun. People danced around the fires and leap through them. Blazing herbs from the sacred bonfire were used to bless the animals (as well as chase off pests and parasites).

Burnt coals and ashes from the Midsummer fire would be scattered on fields after the festivities, to ensure a good harvest.


I love Litha. I love December holidays. And I enjoy celebrating Litha while others celebrate Christmas (which is kind of like a second Yule for me). Such a fun time!

Here are some activities you can incorporate into your holiday to mark the season.

Litha Summer Solstice activities

One of my favourite activities is to choose a warm, sunny crystal like Citrine, and put it on my kitchen windowsill to soak up the peak of summer’s rays. In winter, I keep it next to my desk to cheer me up on dreary, cold and cloudy stretches. You can do the same with a piece or jewellery, or make your crystal into a hanging sun catcher 🙂

Another lovely Litha activity to connect to the season is to hold a Summer Treasure Hunt. Take a walk around in nature and make note of a few things easily found – wild growing flowers, seed pods, etc. Now write up your treasure hunt list based on what you want everyone to go out and find. You can make it as elaborate or as simple as you like. You can adapt it to your apartment, hiding little herbs and such around the space. Or make it a photography challenge rather than physically picking up things. Whatever works for you! Have a nice prize for the first back with everything on the list.

A wonderful way to combine Litha and Christmas is to decorate a ‘Christmas’ tree with Litha correspondances – think warm sunny colours, flowers, dried orange slices, golden pine cones, strung oak leaves, honey comb or bee cut outs, and so on! 

Yasmin Boland header

The Dark Of The Moon

3 December 2021

Moon energy expert, Yasmin Boland, says:

What are you releasing under the Dark Moon today and tonight?
As we head to the New Moon, we get this short window when we have a chance to clear out anything which we know needs to go.
Yes, we do a bit of that at Full Moon but it’s a very different feeling. At Full Moon, it’s about surrender. Now it’s almost more about energetic house-cleaning.
Remember, the Moon is in the Goddess and the Goddess is in the Moon. This is the time to connect to the Dark Goddess, not to be feared for being powerful.”

Dark Moon release ceremony

That’s all from us today! We hope you have a weekend filled with all your favourite things. Happy FriYAY!

Love Shaz & the Mystic Cat team