Learn what the properties are for numbers and colours, their magickal correspondences.
Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- How To Use Numbers & Colours In Spells
- Meaning Of Numbers – Number Correspondences
- How To Use Numbers In Magick
- Meaning Of Colours – Colour Correspondences
- How To Use Colours In Magick
- Crystals In Numbers & Colours
Numbers and colours have energetic frequencies or strong associations with different properties. We call these ‘correspondences’. This understanding that everything is connected is also known as sympathetic magick – like attracts like.
“Sympathetic magic taps into a symbolic ordering of the world, where disparate objects and ideas can have unexpected correspondences and new potentials. This kind of magic reflects the order of our lives even as it seeks to gain mastery over that order.”
The science of sympathetic magic, and why it persists, Colin Dickey, Lapham’s Quarterly
Learning the correspondences for numbers and colours will allow you to craft your own energy workings and spells.
How To Use Numbers & Colours In Spells
- When designing your energy work, you can reference this list.
- Look which number and which colour best match what you are trying to achieve.
- Then incorporate them into your working.
It’s as simple as that!
Meaning Of Numbers – Number Correspondences
1 – Self reliance, personal ability
2 – Partnership, assistance, peace
3 – Growth, expansion, fertility, creativity, good luck
4 – Practicality, stability, life lessons, working things through
5 – Communications, speed, movement
6 – Home, love, pleasure
7 – Spirituality, psychism, spiritual aid or guidance
8 – Intensity, extremity, great success or failure
9 – Compassion, helping others, group projects
10 – Completion, unity
How To Use Numbers In Magick
You can incorporate your number into your energy working in various ways, for example:
- Writing the number on your mojo bag / medicine bag
- Carving it into your candle
- Repeating your intention/incantation that many times
- Tying the matching number of knots into a string (you can use a colour string matching the colour you choose for your spell as well)
- Having that number of items involved in your working (i.e. if your number is 4, then having 4 crystals, 4 cords tied into 4 knots etc.)
“By the power of three times three”
Have you come across or even used the incantation “by the power of three by three” in spell work or energy workings? Have you ever wondered what it means? The phrase usually goes:
“By the power of three by three, As I will it, So mote it be!”
The number 3 has been seen as a powerful number far back into humanity’s past. In Latin, a common phrase used was “omne trium perfectum”. It means everything that comes in threes is perfect, or, every set of three is complete.
By the power of three times three – where does this come from and what does it mean…
Meaning Of Colours – Colour Correspondences
Colours are an easy and powerful way to boost your intention.
“Color magick is using the color spectrum and the intention of each color to invoke its magical response”
Sarah Potter
Black – Protection, safety, grounding, wisdom, learning, guidance
Red – Strength, vitality, passion, add energy
Pink – Love, compassion, nurturing, romance
Orange – Creativity, self expression
Yellow – Pleasure, success, happiness
Green – Healing, growth, abundance, money, fertility
Blue – Communication, focus, willpower
Indigo – Psychic ability, spiritual guidance
Violet – Spirituality, psychism
White – Purity, unity, all purpose

Protection, safety, grounding, wisdom, learning, guidance, uncrossing, warding, banishing, death

Strength, vitality, passion, energy, seduction, blood, power, speed, courage, lust, vital energy, action, survival

Love, compassion, nurturing, romance, self care, self love, empathy, heart healing, friendship, acceptance

Creativity, self expression, confidence, justice, ambition, business, law, independence, stimulation

Pleasure, success, happiness, abundance, joy, the Sun, hope, intelligence, sharpness, focus, memory

Healing, growth, abundance, money, fertility, earthly possessions, newness, envy, nature

Communication, focus, willpower, peace, calm, truth, clarity, travelling, forgiveness, dreamwork, sleep, career

Purity, peace, unity, cleansing, innocence, balance, spiritual, all purpose (can stand in for any colour)

Spirituality, psychic endeavours, intuition, divination, spirit realm, wisdom, influence, authority

Wealth, luck, power, happiness, money, winning, success, God, fame, influence, luxury, Sun, positivity, abundance

Animals, grounding, stability, earth, retrieval, endurance, material protection, steadfast, genuine, courage

Meditation, dreams, telepathy, angels, Goddess, moon, Higher Self, awareness, sea, star magic, purification, divination

How To Use Colours In Magick
You can incorporate your colour into your spell work or energy working in various ways, for example:
- Candle
- Tablecloth
- Mojo / medicine bag
- Cord or string
- Paper
- Items e.g. crystals
Crystals In Numbers & Colours
You can use crystals to help bring in the numbers and colours correspondences. Choose a crystal that matches the colour you want to work with. Use the number of crystals in your working.
We also have more information about learning to work with crystals by their colours.
Learn these colour properties of crystals and you’ll be on your way to being able to identify the general properties of any crystal you pick up!
We have a handy filter for you to help you shop for crystals by their colour. Go to the CRYSTALS SECTION OF THE SHOP HERE and click on the Filters button. Scroll down to “Filter Crystals by Colour” and select the colour group you want to work with.