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Crystal Of The Month: Mica

This month’s featured crystal is Mica. Mica is everywhere. If you pick up any rock and see something like glitter sparkles when you turn it in the light, that’s Mica. And many cosmetics sparkle (for example as seen in eye shadows, bronzers etc) comes from powdered Mica. Read on to find out more about this fascinating mineral.

Table Of Contents:

Geological Properties

Mica is a very big group of sheet-forming silicates. The name comes from the Latin ‘micare‘ – meaning to flash or glisten. Mica is everywhere. If you pick up any rock and see something like glitter sparkles when you turn it in the light, that’s it. And much of cosmetics sparkle (for example as seen in eye shadows, bronzers etc) comes from the powdered form of this mineral.

The family tree branches out expansively under the Mica family. There are True or Common Micas, and Brittle Micas. There are also Dioctahedral and Trioctahedral Micas. Let’s take a look at the varieties of this mineral that we stock in the shop:


Muscovite from the Dioctahedral family – this is the most common form, and what you typically see in glittering rocks (and make-up).

Muscovite was used as window glass and as mirrors in ancient times. It forms in layers of sheets that are called ‘books’. It’s naturally clear to silver but can be many different colours depending on trace minerals present. 

  • FUCHSITE is an example of Muscovite that is green thanks to the presence of Chromium, which replaces the Aluminium content in Muscovite. It was originally discovered in Austria in the 1700s.
  • Verdite is a rock containing Fuchsite along with other minerals found here in South Africa.
  • Green Aventurine contains Fuchsite, too


From the Trioctahedral family, we have LEPIDOLITE. It occurs in shades of purple to pink (other colours are possible depending on trace elements) due to the presence of Lithium. It gets its name from the Greek ‘lepidos’ for ‘scale’ and ‘lithos’ for ‘stone’.

We’ve seen some stunning specimen grade translucent books of Lepidolite. When a Mica specimen forms in many sheets on top of each other, it is called a ‘book’.

We also get various purple shades, sometimes with pink Rubellite (Tourmaline). We have also seen Lepidolite form in eye-catching flashy ‘scales’ within a solid purple background – a variety trade named Silver Leaf Lepidolite.


EPHESITE is another member of the Trioctahedral Mica family. It’s a rare mineral and a very pretty, pearly to translucent pink. This mineral gets its name from the ancient city of Ephesus in Turkey (10 BC to 15 CE) where it was originally found. We also get really pretty specimens here in South Africa. As its a rare mineral, we don’t often carry stock of this eyecatching variety.

Metaphysical Healing Properties of Mica

Healing properties of mica – general

Mica is a mystical stone with a strong connection to the Angelic Realm. It stimulates awareness of your Higher Self. Mica can aid you in recognising the flaws in humanity, while accessing unconditional love and thus acceptance. Making it a very potent support stone for trauma recovery. 

Mica boosts the mind, helping with problem-solving and stimulating quick-wittedness. It helps you clearly express your thoughts and feelings, while easing insecurities, self-doubt and resulting clumsiness. Mica is associated with improving your appearance! Its said to put a sheen to hair, add a sparkle to the eye and even aid the body achieve its most appropriate weight

Healing properties of Mica varieties

Crystal healers typically identify general healing properties for each crystal / mineral, as well as additional healing properties for varieties. Here are some of the additional healing properties for varities we’ve discussed above.

FUCHSITE accesses knowledge with great practical value. Receives guidance on health matters & well being. Helps you understand your interaction with others & relates to basic concerns about life. 

Reverses tendency towards martyrdom, excellent for those who fall instantly into the “saviour/rescuer” mode & then become victims themselves. Teaches true self worth. Combines unconditional love with “tough love”, teaching you when to say no more. Especially helps those cast into the “patient” role

LEPIDOLITE can clear electromagnetic smog (EMF). It is a stone that insists on being used for the Highest good. Aids in accessing the Akashic Records. Takes you towards the future. 

Lepidolite can assist in removing negativity. By halting obsessive thoughts, reducing stress and relieving feelings of despondency. It is extremely useful in stabilising moods. Thus lending itself to supporting various disorders including depression and bipolar. Especially helpful in supporting the treatment of eating disorders and syndromes.

EPHESITE is a stone of strength and perseverance. Connecting the heart and higher heart chakra, Ephesite activates your centre of love for yourself and others. This leads to greater empathy and ability to forgive. This crystal brings the vibration of unconditional love, compassion and joy. 

It can help you access deep and profound truths beyond words. Ephesite heals through stimulating your sense of humour and lifting your mood, allowing you to release and rise above through healing laughter

See What’s Currently In Stock:

Take a look at the varieties of Mica we have for sale, from rough pieces to specimens to polished pieces: